Matthew 5:3–5 - The First Three Beatitudes
Matthew 5:6–9 - The Beatitudes Continued
Matthew 5:10–12 - The Beatitudes Concluded
Matthew 5:27–32 - Christ’s Interpretation of the Seventh Commandment
Matthew 5:21–26 - Christ’s Interpretation of the Sixth Commandment
Matthew 5:17–20 - Christ’s Attitude to the Law
Matthew 5:13–16 - The Responsibilities of Kingdom Citizens
Matthew 5:43–48 - Loving Our Enemies
Matthew 5:38–42 - The Law of Retaliation
Matthew 5:33–37 - Christ’s Interpretation of the Third Commandment
Matthew 5:43-48 – Anti-Discrimination
Matthew 5:38-42 – Disarmament
Matthew 5:33-37 – Honesty
Matthew 5:27-31 – Marriage and Faithfulness
Matthew 5:21-26 – Dealing with Others
Matthew 5:17-20 – The Bible as Building Program
Matthew 5:13-16 – Israel
Matthew 5:3-12 – Happiness
Matthew 5:1-2 – Faith Is Obedience
Don’t Waste Your Life (Part 5): Salt and Light
Matthew 5:22 – Hell and the Name Caller
The Beatitudes: The Biblical Pattern of Christian Experience Beatitude #4: Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness
Bound by an Oath
Divorce and Remarriage: The New Testament Evidence
Divorce and Remarriage: The Exception Clause in Matthew
Be Ye Perfect Matthew 5:33-48
Why the Beatitudes Are Not Commands
The Beatitudes describe the characteristics of God's people. They are not commands, but they point God's people to the blessings of their Lord. Based on Matthew 5:3-10 this article explains seven of these blessings.
The Beatitudes: The Biblical Pattern of Christian Experience
The Beatitudes: The Biblical Pattern of Christian Experience Beatitude #3: The Meek Pronounced Blessed
The Beatitudes: The Biblical Pattern of Christian Experience Beatitude #2: The Mourners Pronounced Blessed
The Beatitudes: The Biblical Pattern of Christian Experience Beatitude #1: The Poor in Spirit
Where Are the Peacemakers?
Radical Rights The Christian's Right is not to Retaliate but Humiliation
Love Your Enemies Marks of a Healthy Church 9
Blessed Are the Persecuted?
Is Christ in Matthew 5:10-11 expecting Christians to be persecuted? This article argues that those who stand for Christ are not of the world and cannot be popular with the world, so they must expect persecution.
Matthew 5:38-42 – Cheeks, Cloaks, and Miles
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:38-42.
Matthew 5:33-37 – Righteous Oaths of the Kingdom
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:33-37.
Matthew 5:31-32 – Why Divorce Makes One Sin against the Seventh Commandment
Matthew 5:21-26 – Biblical Anger
This article gives attention to the sixth commandment, through an exposition of Matthew 5:21-26.
Matthew 5:17-20 – Jesus and the Law
What is the status of the law of God today? This article explains what the Lord Jesus meant in Matthew 5:17-20. The law of God has abiding authority today.
Matthew 5:13-16 – Salt and Light
This article offers some expository notes on Matthew 5:13-16, which speaks of the effect that believers will have on the world.
Matthew 5:8 – The Pure in Heart
This article offers some expository notes on Matthew 5:8.
Matthew 5:7 – The Meaning of Mercy
Matthew 5:6 – Hunger and Thirst
This article offers some expository notes on the beatitude in Matthew 5:6.
Matthew 5:27-32 – Adultery, Guilt, and Righteousness
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:27-32.
Matthew 5:5 – Inherit the Earth
Matthew 5:4 – Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
This article is an exposition of Matthew 5:4, the beatitude about those who mourn.
Matthew 5:3 – Spiritual Bankrupts
This article gives some consideration to Matthew 5:3, about the poor in spirit.
Matthew 5:10-12 – The Blessedness of Persecution
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:10-12.
Matthew 5:7-9 – Blessed in Reflecting God
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:7-9.
Matthew 5:1-6 – Blessed Are the Needy
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:1-6.
The King's Speech – Blessed Tears Beatitudes (Part 2 of 6)
This article considers the beatitude in Matthew 5:4, offering some reflection on the difference between worldly sorrow and godly sorrow.
Matthew 5:17
Are Christians set free from the law? Different responses have been given to this question. This article considers what the Lord Jesus was really saying in Matthew 5:17.
Matthew 5:43-48 – Like the Publicans or Like God
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:43-48.
Matthew 5:21-26 – Thou Shall Not Kill
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:21-26.
What Did Jesus Teach about Violence and Turning the Other Cheek?
Matthew 5:17-20 – The Righteousness of the Kingdom
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:17-20.
Matthew 5:13-16 – Salt and Light
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:13-16.
Jesus and the Lustful Eye – Glancing at Matthew 5:28
Does Jesus teach in Matthew 5:28 that sexual attraction should be viewed as sinful? This article takes a closer look at the immediate context of Matthew 5:28. The context indicates that Jesus is intensifying the application of the Torah. He does not, however, add restrictions on women's clothing. Jesus is holding men rather than women responsible for possible lust.
Thirty-One Days of Purity: Radical Action
This article explains how Matthew 5:27-30 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. You may have to gouge some things out if you are to win this battle.
“The Salt of the Earth” in Covenantal Perspective
What is the significance of salt in the Bible? Why are the disciples of Jesus called the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13)? This study argues that there are four central notions that stand out. The binding factor is the biblical idea of covenant. The article proceeds with a survey of salt in the Hebrew Scripture and the disciples as salt in the New Testament.
Matthew 5:20 – “…Unless Your Righteousness Exceeds…”
The Sermon on the Mount – The Dividend of Mercy (Matthew 5:7)
The Sermon on the Mount – The Fullness of Hunger (Matthew 5:6)
In this chapter Hughes comments on Matthew 5:6. The main focus is the meaning and significance of "hunger for righteousness.”
The Sermon on the Mount – The Strength of Gentleness (Matthew 5:5)
In this chapter Hughes comments on Matthew 5:5. The main focus is the meaning and significance of gentleness as a fruit of the Spirit.
The Sermon on the Mount – The Comfort of Mourning (Matthew 5:4)
The Sermon on the Mount – The Riches of Poverty (Matthew 5:1-3)
This chapter is a commentary on Matthew 5:1-3. The main focus is the meaning and significance of being poor in spirit.
The Christian and the Moral Law
Heroes of Heroes – The Poor in Spirit
In Chapter 1 Duguid unfolds the significance of the characterizing of Jesus’ disciples in Matthew 5:3 as “poor in spirit.” He takes it to mean that we ought to know that we don’t have any resources within ourselves, and therefore we have to look to God for help.
How We Live as Salt and Light in the World
The Second Great Commandment
This article discusses how the second greatest commandment is like the first one. By quoting Matthew 5:43-45, it also explains what Jesus meant when he commanded us to love our neighbour as ourselves. The discussion of these questions is centred on the teaching of man as created in God's image.
Not Under Law, But Under Grace
Purity is a rare word in our sexualized culture. What does it mean to be pure? This article defines true biblical purity and examines the standard for purity. The author then applies the concept of purity to different areas of life through the perspective of Matthew 5:8. Purity is firstly a matter of the heart.
Matthew 5:3-12 - Introduction to the Beatitudes
This is the first article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article is an introduction to the Beatitudes. Here the author describes the meaning of 'blessedness' in the context of the Beatitudes.
Matthew 5:3 - Kingdom of Heaven
This is the second article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article focuses on the first Beatitude, which describes Christians as being poor in spirit. This Beatitude does not exalt poverty, but rather refers to an awareness of sin and the realization that we cannot pay anything toward our debt. We are completely dependant upon God's grace.
Matthew 5:4 - The Happy Mourner
This is the third article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article looks at the second Beatitude, which describes Christians as mourners. This mourning is a grief over one's sins and the sins of others. This mourning is accompanied by gospel repentance.
Matthew 5:5 - Heirs to the Earth
This is the fourth article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article focuses on the third Beatitude, which describes Christians as being meek. Meekness involves being submissive to God's word and authority, seeking the good of others, and controlling emotions.
Matthew 5:6 - Holy Hunger
This is the fifth article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article looks at the fourth Beatitude, which describes Christians as being hungry and thirsty. This hunger and thirst is for being righteous before God. Satisfaction for this hunger for righteousness is found in Christ.
Matthew 5:7 - Pure in Heart
This is the sixth article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article focuses on the sixth Beatitude, which describes Christians as being marked by purity. This purity is modeled by God, and is a result of God's work through the Spirit. The author identifies some signs of both purity and impurity, and describes a way of pursuing purity in this life.
Matthew 5:9 - Peacemaking
This is the eighth article in an nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article focuses on the seventh Beatitude, which describes Christians as peacemakers. This peace must be understood in the context of the kingdom of God. This peace between God and man has been destroyed by sin, and can only be restored through Christ.
Matthew 5:10 - Suffering Persecution
This is the final article in a nine part series on the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew 5:3-12. This article focuses on the last Beatitude, which speaks about persecution. Christians are persecuted because of their loyalty to Christ in a world that hates Christ. The author discusses different types of persecution, and offers the ecouragement that God will strengthen believers facing persecution.
Matthew 5:3 - Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
Matthew 5:1-12 - Eat Yourself Happy
Matthew 5:17-48 - The Fulfillment of the Law
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:17-48.
Matthew 5:1-16 - The Sermon on the Mount
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 5:1-16.
Adultery – Physical, Mental and Marital
Theonomy and the Confession of Faith
This article on theonomy, is an abridged version of the Report adopted by the 1997 General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland. It first discusses what theonomy is, and then evaluates if theonomy is consistent with the Westminster Confession of Faith. It concludes by looking at Matthew 5:17 and other passages to determine how we should respond to theonomy.
Matthew 5:4 - Faithful Mourning
A Passion for Purity vs. Passive Prayers
Living a pure life to the glory of God includes spiritual warfare against very specific temptation. This article on Matthew 5:28-29 discusses resisting sexual temptation in particular.
The Mandate: Love Our Enemies Matt. 5:43-48
Nolland studies Matthew 5:43-48 and other key texts that highlights the command to love our enemies as a priority in Christian discipleship. He further sheds light on Jesus’ teaching by setting it in the wider context not only of Matthew’s gospel but also of the ancient world and the Old Testament. He demonstrates that, without being critical of the Old Testament, Jesus radically extends its teaching.
Theonomy and Christian Reconstructionism
In this article is about theonomy and Christian reconstructionism, the author discusses the relevance of the civil law and the moral law for the Christian today. The author also focuses on the relation of the Old Testament and New Testament, and of church and state.