Living at the Crossroads – Gospel, Story, Worldview, and the Church's Mission
This volume is about worldview. This is a concept that emerged in the European philosophical tradition. As a concept it wants to enable believers to understand more faithfully the gospel and to live more fully in that story. In Chapter 1 the authors indicate how a Christian worldview starts with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The gospel is an announcement of the story about where God is moving the history of the whole creation. Worldview is about the story that will shape the lives of believers. The multiplicity of cultures with which the church is confronted today presents a challenge to the church in carrying out its mission to all peoples. The church is called to live at the crossroads of conflicting cultural stories about the world’s purpose and destiny.
Source: Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview (Baker Academic, 2008), 1-10.
This material is made available with the permission of Baker Academic.
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