Mark 1:40-2:22 - Three Reasons to Rejoice in Christ Our Savior
Mark 1:21-39 - A Day in the Life of Our Lord
Mark 1:14-20 - The Anatomy of a Conversion
Mark 1:9-13 - Expect Your Christian Faith to be Challenged
Mark 1:1-8 - Prepare Yourself for the LORD’s Presence
Mark 1:14–45 - The Kingdom Comes
Mark 1:1 - Introduction to Mark’s Gospel
Jesus Came Preaching About the Kingdom
The kingdom of God was central to the preaching of Jesus. This article surveys the Gospels on this point, explains four components of kingdom-focused preaching (from Mark 1:14), and challenges the reader to appropriate kingdom involvement.
The Gospel according to Bart: A Review Article of "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart Ehrman
This article reviews Bart Ehrman's book on textual criticism, Misquoting Jesus. It introduces the field of textual criticism and Ehrman as a scholar.
Mark 1:40-45 – I Will
Mark 1:21-28 – Amazement at Authority
This article contains a sermon on Mark 1:21–28, on Jesus preaching and exorcising with authority.
Mark 1:29-39 – A Sabbath and Its Aftermath
This article provides a sermon on Mark 1:29-39, where Jesus healed many, cast out demons, and prayed early the next morning.
The Baptism of Jesus according to the Gospel of Mark
What is the significance of the baptism of Jesus according to the Gospels? Mark 1:9-11 relates the baptism of Jesus. Edwards considers the significance and function of this baptism in Mark. The baptism is related to the coming of the kingdom of heaven. Edwards further works out the significance of Jesus' baptism for our understanding of him as Son of God.
Jesus' Philosophy of Ministry: A Study of a Figure of Speech in Mark 1:38
Interpreting figurative language is part of biblical exegesis. Mark 1:38 contains such figurative speech, called amphibologia.
The Sabbath in Capernaum
True Spirituality: The Transforming Power of the Gospel
True spirituality cannot be found in intellectualism, emotionalism, and moralism. From Mark 1:14-15 this article shows that true spirituality can only be found in understanding the gospel message and its transforming power.