"Christ, Whom We Proclaim"
Justification and Pastoral Ministry
This article considers how the doctrine of justification by faith is important to pastoral ministry. It speaks good news to a variety of people for whom a pastor cares: the guilty, the insecure, the indifferent, and the resentful.
The Rules of the Road
How do you determine the meaning of a text? When doing biblical interpretation, there are four rules to keep in mind.
Walking Straight toward Gospel Truth
What is the gospel and how does it shape life? In Galatians 2:11-16 Christians are not only given the meaning of the gospel; they are also shown how the gospel shapes all of life.
Kingdom Life
The ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ inaugurated the kingdom of God, and believers enter the kingdom in Christ. This union of Christ the King with believers must shape the daily life of the Christian.
The Letter to the Church in Ephesus
In Revelation 2:1-7 we read about Christ's evaluation of the church in Ephesus. This article explains the lessons the church must learn today from Christ's evaluation of the church.
Cracking the Book of Revelation
What is the millennium in the book of Revelation? This article explains that understanding the meaning of the millennium is a source of encouragement to the church because it points to the victory of Christ.
Common Grace and Theological Scholarship
Should Christians make use of secular scholarship? Can Christians learn aspects of truth from non-Christians? This article gives reasons that can make Christians object to using knowledge from non-Christians, as well as reasons why Christians should use aspects of truth from non-Christians. This is linked with understanding common grace.
Gospel Application in Preaching
How should sermon application be done? What is the meaning of application in preaching? This article explains that pastors and believers must aim for gospel application.
Seeking the Treasures of God’s Wisdom
Why does the Bible value wisdom so much? It is because wisdom is priceless. This article explains what is wisdom, its value, and the manner of seeking wisdom.
Five Things You Need to Believe About Jesus' Second Coming
This article explains five things you need to believe about the return of Christ.
The Church Didn't Start in the New Testament
What is the origin of the church? This article explains that the church did not originate with Pentecost.
Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures
Between Two Wor(l)ds: Worldview and Observation in the Use of General Revelation to Interpret Scripture, and Vice Versa
This article reflects on the opportunities and obstacles that confront believers as recipients of the two modes of revealed truth, special revelation and general revelation.
Walking with Jesus through His Word – The Walk through the Bible That Sets Hearts Afire
What is redemptive-historical hermeneutics? Johnson argues that it means simply that every part of the Bible teaches Christ. The significance of this interpretation is illustrated by the change that took place in Jesus’ disciples’ understanding of Scripture from before to after Jesus’ resurrection. He further expounds the way the risen Lord read the Scriptures (cf. Luke 24:16-26).
Between Two Wor(l)ds: Worldview and Observation in the Use of General Revelation to Interpret Scripture, and Vice Versa
A Christian is not only caught between two worldviews—God-centred and man-centred worldviews. He is also caught between two words—general revelation and special revelation. How should he think about the relationship between all these, and how can he keep the balance? This is what the article answers.
Fire in God's House: Imagery from Malachi 3 in Peter's Theology of Suffering (1 Peter 4:12-19)
Seven Applications of Revelation
Why did God give us the book of Revelation? God gave the book of Revelation so that Christians would see their situation in its true perspective, know the enemy, see Christ in His triumph, display the beauty of the church, and receive encouragement to endure, remain pure, and witness.
Cracking the Book of Revelation
They key to understanding the book of Revelation is in understanding its use of paradox and recapitulation. The author demonstrates this by looking at the meaning of the millennium and Armageddon.
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit Women as Teachers/Disciples
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit Creative Arts
Redemption accomplished
This article is about the covenant of redemption contracted between the three Persons of the Trinity before time began. The author also discusses the fall of Adam and Jesus Christ as the mediator of the covenant of grace.