The Church as the Dwelling Place of the Spirit

This article considers what Paul means in Ephesians 2:22 when he speaks of the church as the dwelling place of the Spirit. The author considers the progression in Scripture as to how God lived with his people, climaxing in the Spirit's coming to dwell within his people in the New Testament. The article also presents and critiques the study of W.J. Ouweneel on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

Catechesis and Church

Should catechism instruction (catechesis) be something left merely to the minister? This article shows how the church in the time of the Reformation well understood that the education of the youth of the church was an event in which the church as a whole was involved. The author provides a sample catechism service, and then also suggestions as to how to make catechism teaching prominent in the members' minds.

Towards a Ministry of Exorcism?

Should there be a ministry of exorcism? This article engages with this question, highlighting the scriptural data on the influence of the devil among God's children, demon-possession in the New Testament, and then making some remarks on Mark 16:17-18, a passage often cited as proof that also today evil spirits can be driven out in the name of Jesus. The author emphasizes the importance of God's people being armed with the Word and prayer.

Will We Persevere?

In recent years we have been receiving statistics with alarming figures about the number of people leaving the church. The large church communities in the Netherlands experience a shocking decrease in membership. It is becoming ever clearer how rapidly the secularization proceeds. The development affects also the smaller, orthodox churches, although the figures are here not quite as bad. Against this background the disturbing question arises: Is there any certainty that we will remain faithful?

Attention for the Angels

This article examines the Scriptures on the matter of angels. It explains that in the Old Testament we encounter a celestial court council, of which the angels constitute a part. The article then outlines the duty of the angels, as well as their essence (as spirits). It emphasizes that we cannot abstract the angels from Christ. Finally, it gives some attention to a book by L.F. de Graaff on the topic.

The Relevance of Article 29 of the Belgic Confession for Today

With the availability of so many Reformed churches, is it still possible to apply the Belgic Confession Article 29 in speaking about the true and false church? Looking at the three marks of the true church, this article shows that Article 29 is applicable even today, both to mark the true church and guide Christians in choosing the right church as they seek to obey the command of Christ.

Perspective of the Suffering of God's Children

Does God send suffering to His children? In this article the author shows that suffering comes from the providence of God, as He is a loving father to His children. He does this for our good, and we must respond with true hope in Him. This article also denies the claim that suffering happens outside God's providence and that as a result God can only suffer with His children.

Why a Federation of Churches?

Where does the Bible say that churches must join together in a federation? This article looks at the characteristics of the church (unity, catholicity, apostolicity and holiness of the church) and what this means for churches to form a federation. The author also looks at Scriptural references that are important for church federation, and how the churches in the New Testament lived together in unity.