The Slippery Slope Towards Polygamy
Jesus Christ and Marriage
Your Marriage Won't Fulfill You and That's a Good Thing
Are you seeking fulfillment from your marriage? Many people enter marriage thinking that it will bring them fulfillment. The article explains that while your marriage is not meant to fulfil you, it is supposed to point you to the greater marriage that will satisfy you.
Three Ways Sex in Your Marriage Can Be Sinful
"Sexual sin" usually refers to sinful behavior outside marriage. But can sex within marriage also be sinful? This article describes three ways in which sex can be harmful in marriage.
Five Myths about Marriage
Has your marriage met all the expectations you were promised it would? Many engaged couples are given misleading expectations about marriage. This article provides us with five myths about marriage that can help you reconsider your marriage expectations.
Twelve Ways Satan Attacks Christian Marriages
The Institution of Marriage in Paradise
Puritan Christianity: The Puritans at Home
Steps to Rebuild a Marriage (Part 6)
What are helpful steps to take in order to rebuild a marriage after adultery? This article outlines four steps to improve the marriage.
Marriage vs. Mawwaige: What the Bible Has to Say
The Marriage State: Pleasing to The Lord
The Duty to Love in Marriage
The Certain Assistance of God in Marriage
Marriage as Instituted by God
To the Newly Married Husbands, turn off the TV and exult in your wife!
Men and the Marriage Dance
The Christian Wife
Bullying: A Deadly Poison in Marriage
Counseling for Second Marriages (Especially for Older Couples, i.e. Widower and Widow)
What Does God Say about Abuse?
This article considers the matter of emotional abuse in marriage. It discusses common themes in this kind of abuse, and what recourse the wife has available.
Marriage to the Glory of God: The Marriage of Boaz and Ruth A Portrait of a Biblical Marriage that is by Turns, Romantic, Redemptively Significant, and Exemplary
Marriage To The Glory Of God: Why is Bathsheba so Attractive to Older Men?
Marriage To The Glory Of God: What Does an Ideal Marriage Look Like?
Divorce and Remarriage: One Flesh
Practices or Duties of Marriage
The Puritan Marriage
Marriages Made on Earth
The Creation of Woman
Six Things a Christian Husband Should Give His Wife
How can a Christian husband cherish his wife in marriage? This article presents six things he can give his wife.
Six Things a Christian Wife Should Give Her Husband
How can a Christian wife cherish her husband in marriage? This article presents six things she can give her husband.
Ten Keys to Avoiding the Tragedy of Infidelity
This article offers ten things that help a couple to avoid the tragedy of infidelity in marriage.
Six Things to Remember for a Successful Marriage
What makes marriage a success? Here are six things you should not forget if you desire a successful marriage.
Seven Keys to Aligning Your Finances with God and Your Spouse
Are finances a source of conflict in your marriage? This article considers seven things you can do to put your marriage finances in order to achieve peace and unity with your spouse on the matter.
The Cart before the Horse?
Wouldn't it be much better if we entered marriage at the end of the sanctification process? This article considers this question, the attraction to its concern, and the design of God that marriage reach its beauty through a painful process.
Ten Habits to Help a Pastor Stay Married and in Ministry
Spiritual Remarriage
Child Safe Godly Principles for Raising Children
The Gospel Model Marriage means Companionship, Children, Yes and Much More
A Calling from God Uncomfortable but True: Children are the Purpose of Marriage
Step Right Up The Church’s Challenge goes Beyond Same-sex Marriage
Our Most Vital Union The Kingdom, rather than Marriage, is our Ultimate Goal
The Case Against Civilisation is Built on a Strong View of (Heterosexual) Marriage
Untying the Knot The ‘Great Escape’ from Marriage comes at a Frightening Cost
Marriage Guidance Are you Asking the Right Questions?
An Affair-Proof Marriage
Our Three-Way Union
Permanence before Experience – The Wisdom of Marriage
This article explains how cohabitation before marriage weakens the latter, for a temporary commitment always weakens a permanent commitment. Marriage, rightly understood, is all about permanence.
Naked without Shame A Guided Tour of Modern Mores — and God’s
All in the Mind: When Sexual Problems Aren’t the Real Problem
Back from the Brink
The Ten Commandments with regard to Marriage
The Mandate of Mutual Love in Marriage
Converging Marriage and Mission
Why is there no tension in the Bible between ministry and family? Because marriage is the clearest picture of the gospel in the world today, and your marriage is one of the best forms of evangelism in the world today. How do you converge marriage and mission work? This article weighs in.
Two Shall Become One—Now and Not Yet
When God created marriage, he declared that the two shall be one. This article explains that oneness in marriage must be cultivated. It shares two things which may help to cultivate this oneness—intentionality and confession.
Lay Down Your Life for a Lasting Marriage
How can you save your marriage from transactional living? This article discusses what this means, and four things you can do to avoid it and enjoy a lasting marriage.
Should We Marry If We're Theologically Divided? My Response
Can two Christians who are divided theologically get married? This article looks into this question and lays down crucial issues to consider for marriage between two Christians who are theologically divided.
Proverbs 25:24 – The Promise of God's Presence in Marriage
Ephesians 5:25-30 – An Appeal to Married Christian Men to Submit to Their Wives by Loving Them
Ephesians 5:22-24 – An Appeal to Married Christian Women to Know Their God-Given Position
2 Corinthians 3:1-12 – Foundations of Marriage (Part 2)
This article discusses marriage through the lens of 2 Corinthians 3:1-12.
Hebrews 13:4-5 – Foundations of Marriage (Part 1)
This article discusses marriage through the lens of Hebrews 13:4-5.
Song of Songs and its Interpretation
Song of Songs for Us Today
Tied in Knots
Same-sex marriage and homosexuality have brought challenges to the church in thinking about marriage. This article answers ten challenges raised by the issue of same-sex marriage.
Biblical Attitudes to Romantic Love
What is romantic love? This study says it refers to the love of two persons of the opposite sex for one another, understood and expressed in terms of attraction and devotion. This love includes delight and joy in appreciation of each other, including the sexual and physical aspects. The study offers a fresh look at the Bible's understanding of romantic love especially in relation to courtship and marriage.
Three Weddings and a Divorce: God's Covenant with Israel, Judah, and the Church
Both the Old and New Testaments mention marriage covenants that God contracted between himself and his bride. The aim of this essay is to examine whether or not the several authors and the two Testaments contradict each other in this matter.
The Foundation of the Family
Divorce-Proof Tips
Three Important Environments for Marriage Preparation
How and When Is an Abused Spouse Called to Suffer
Elements of a Christ-Centered Marriage
What is it that makes a marriage Christ-centred? This article offers nine elements.
Loving God with or without Children
This article speaks to the pain of childlessness in marriage, and shows how couples are to serve God whether he has entrusted children to them, or in his providence has withheld children from them.
Paul – Anti-marriage? Anti-Sex? Ascetic? A Dialogue with 1 Corinthians 7:1-40
Was the apostle Paul an ascetic who saw marriage and sex as ungodly evils? These and related issues like celibacy are examined in the context of 1 Corinthians 7. The author argues against such interpretations. He offers a careful examination of the situational and discourse context and the structure of the chapter.
Pride Vs. Humility
Divorce-Proof: Helping Young Couples Win at Marriage
Marriages Are Built or Destroyed Moment By Moment
This article considers the notion that the furthering of one's marriage is a lifestyle rather than a sporadic exercise. The article offers a list of questions to use for self-examination in marriage.
Genesis 2:24 – Marriage: God's Gift
1 Timothy 3:2 – The Character of the Christian: A One-Woman Man
The qualifications for being an elder should not be limited to them. They should be characteristics of all Christians. This article explains that in 1 Timothy 3:2 God calls Christians to show devotion to their spouses in their marriage.
Why Marriage Is Better Than Cohabitation
Do you think marriage is better than cohabitation? Marriage has benefits for children, family and society. This article explains how this is so.
Metaphors of Marriage as Expressions of Divine-Human Relations
One of people's favourite linguistic tools is figurative language (metaphors). A striking metaphor used in the Bible is that of marriage. The biblical authors use it as a metaphor to express God’s relation to his people.
Ephesians 5:22-23 – One Flesh – The Profound Mystery
This article discusses Scripture's teaching on marriage in Ephesians 5:22-33.
Marriage – God’s Idea
Two Different Ways to Think about Sex in Marriage
10 Issues to Work Through before You Get Married
Are you planning to get married? Stop right there. Before planning to enter into marriage there are ten things you need to consider. Let the article explain them.
Treasure Your Marriage
The way a husband can treasure his marriage is by loving his wife. But what does it mean to love your wife? This article explains.
What's the Purpose of ... Marriage?
Marriage should not be viewed like a contract or a sacrament. What then is the purpose of marriage? This article explains.
Why We Can Rejoice That Marriage Will End
Why will marriage not exist in heaven? Because the mystery of marriage will be made clear.
Those Whom God Hath Joined Together
The article deals with the marriage covenant, one entered into by human beings. However, God has made covenant promises to his people, which, unlike human covenants, cannot be broken.
Covenant and Culture
The author describes most of the lives of believers as closely associated with covenants in one way or another. He focuses on the community of believers who have to learn to keep the covenantal duty of living with others as brothers and sisters together in a covenant community. Other aspects of the covenant life include marriage and parenting.
Marriage and the Family – Marriage and the Bible
God, Marriage, and Family – Leaving and Cleaving: Marriage in the Old Testament
God, Marriage, and Family – The Current Cultural Crisis: Rebuilding the Foundation
Marriage Matters – Person or Object, Honour or Manipulate?
Do you see a person or an object when you look at your spouse? Chapter 6 help readers to diagnose and evaluate their own most basic attitudes towards their spouses. It continues by demonstrating how manipulation can destroy a marriage. In a following section the chapter focuses on what it means to honour your spouse.
Created and Redeemed as Male and Female
Should women be ordained to office? To answer this question this article looks at creation. It argues that man and woman were created equal and given different gifts and roles to play. This article looks at this role in a marriage and the church. It shows that though women can serve in the church, they cannot be ordained as elders and deacons. God is the one who decides the position of women in church.
Paul and the Permanence of Marriage in 1 Corinthians 7
This paper focuses on Paul's teaching on the permanence of marriage in 1 Corinthians 7.