Acts 16:9-10 – The Macedonian Call
The Macedonian call as recorded in Acts 16:9-10 has three lessons for the church in relation to doing mission work.
The Macedonian call as recorded in Acts 16:9-10 has three lessons for the church in relation to doing mission work.
This article investigates, from an archaeological and historical perspective, the route of Paul's travels through Galatia to Troas, described in Acts 16:6-8. It begins with a brief analysis of the text. Next, it surveys the evidence about the ancient sites along the route from Dorylaeum to Troas. It ends with some additional observations about the transportation system.
This article considers the role of women in the church and in particular the church in Philippi. Women played prominent roles in the development of this congregation that the apostle Paul commended for their partnership in the gospel (Philippians 1:5). The author seeks to explore the question of the nature of women’s “partnership in the gospel," by probing the narrative of Acts 16:12-40.
Amidst all the grief and sorrows of this life, what is the one question that matters most? The question that is asked in Acts 16: what must I do to be saved? Today Christians must provide this answer to the many people who seek to fill the emptiness of their life without Christ.
This article is a Bible study on Acts 16:16-40.
This article is a Bible study on Acts 16:1-15.
Not all believe when the gospel is preached. Since we all by nature have hardened hearts, why do some believe? This article on Acts 16:14 states that the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to give us new life.