Biblical Metaphors for Atonement
Godly Violence and the Cross
The real horror of being outside of Christ is that there is no shelter from the wrath of God.
Out of Tune Why a Debate over a Hymn proves Central to Christianity
The Wrath of Yhwh
How are we to understand the relationship between the wrath of God and the love of God? This article wants to point out some aspects of divine wrath.
The Wrath of God
The author refutes the theological claims of C. H. Dodd, who sees the concept of the wrath of God as having a diminished place in the Bible. The author finds that the wrath of God is an important part of the inspired Scriptures. Further, he finds this doctrine to be an essential aspect of the doctrine of God, of sin, of atonement, the love of God, of judgment, and of hell.
The Wrath of God in Relation to the Atonement
This writing seeks to find the relation between the wrath of God and the atonement. While God was expressing his wrathful and just punishment of man's sin on Christ, was his love excluded? The answer in this article says that it was not, but was being demonstrated in Christ's atonement for his people.
Romans 1:18 – The Wrath of God
This article is an exposition of Romans 1:18, which speaks about the wrath of God.
The Just Wrath of a Holy God
Because of his holiness, when God comes into contact with sin he must react with just wrath. 2 Samuel 6:1-7 demonstrates the truth of the wrath of God, shown in response to sin and by way of punishment.
The Wrath of God upon the Cross of Christ
The Wrath of God
Man's Rage, God's Praise
This article is an exposition of Psalm 76. As such, it has some remarks on the wrath of God.
Wrath That Endures Forever
How should we understand the relationship between the love of God and the wrath of God? This article concerns itself in particular with the understanding of God's wrath and anger in the final judgment.
The Wrath of God
The reality of the wrath of God is taught throughout the Bible. This article shows that to deny God's wrath leads to denying other doctrinal truths, which are discussed.
Acting the Miracle – Incentives for Acting the Miracle: Fear, Rewards, and Multiplicity of Biblical Motivations
This chapter wants to correct a too-narrow focus on motivations for sanctification. DeYoung believes that preachers and counsellors are too limited in the tools available to encourage biblical holiness. He feels that commands, gratitude, and duties are unhelpful on their own. Believers are motivated in different ways. He illustrates from Colossians 3 that there is a wide array of motivations for holiness.
The Wrath of God in the New Testament
The burden of this article is to show that even though there is not the same frequency of mention in the New Testament of the wrath of God as in the Old, nevertheless, the relevant passages show that for the early Christians the divine wrath was just as real as it was for the believers of the Old Testament.
God's Holy Love
The author reviews the publication by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann on their view of retributive justice. He rejects their views that the wrath of God and punishment have no place in the preaching of the gospel. The author emphasizes that the love of God is fully demonstrated in his giving his Son to die for us while we were yet sinners.
Relying on Christ
What does it mean that believers rely on Christ as their advocate and atoning sacrifice? This article responds to this question, explaining that Christ is the one who has turned away the wrath of God against the believer. In the rest of their lives, believers live by acknowledging their dependence on God's grace demonstrated in Christ.
Can God Be Angry?
Worthy of Full Acceptance
Psalm 137:8-9 - The Strangest of all Beatitudes
Lamentations 3:15 – Wormwood and Wine
Why Was There Such Cruelty in the Old Testament?
None Righteous
This article is about sin, guilt and the judgment of God. The author also discusses the righteousness and holiness of God, sin and the wrath of God, total depravity, and the ungodly and the forgiveness of God.