'Love So Amazing, So Divine, Demands My Soul, My Life, My All' Considering Romans 12:1-2

After 11 chapters of doctrine telling us what to believe, we now turn (perhaps with a measure of relief?) to the practical application — how we should live. This is a pattern Paul follows in many of his epistles. This article is an exposition of Romans 12:1-2. It shows the grounds for Christian commitment; its demand, renewal, and its goal. 

How to be a Good Member in the Church Considering Romans 12:3-8

The apostle Paul now applies this radical new way of living to our lives together in the church. Paul re­minds us of the importance of using our minds in the church. We are not to leave our minds outside the church door. The head, as Tozer reminds us, is not just a place to hang a hat on! As members of the church then, how are we to think—and behave? This article is an exposition of Romans 12:3-8. It shows how Christians must think about themselves and the church. 

A Work In Progress Considering Romans 12:9-21

Paul is writing to Christians: to people who have received mercy from God (Romans 12:1). Don’t think for a moment that by doing these instructions you are working for your salvation. No! Rather, if you obey these instructions, you are work­ing out your salvation. It’s often been said that while we are saved by faith alone, this salvation is by a faith that is not alone. These instructions are marks of the "new life" in all who have been born again. This article gives the essentials of biblical love.