Killing Envy
Do you struggle with envy? Did you know that the root of envy is pride? This article offers several ways in which to put to death the sin of envy: know who you are in Christ, remember God's promises, thank God for the gifts of others, learn from the gifts and accomplishments of others, and be content with however God is pleased to use you.
Psalm 73: Envy Is a Window
This article reveals how envy is a window into the real struggles of our heart.
Psalm 73: The Distortion of Envy
Are You Content to Carry the Pins?
Envy and contentment are enemies. How can you be content with the work you do and not be envious of others? This article looks at the work of the sons of Kohath, sons of Merari, and sons of Gershon. We can learn from them to be content with what we do.
Do Not Envy the Wicked
The Bible warns Christians against envying the wicked. What is it that Christians can envy from the wicked? This article explains five things.
Ecclesiastes 4:1-12 - Without Comfort and Alone
Ecclesiastes 4:1-12 provides a description of man's trouble. As a result of the fall into sin, man has been isolated from God. Therefore, in this life both the oppressed and the oppressor have no comforter. Their misery is made worse by envy which dwells in the heart. However, God has intervened and has sent the Comforter to mankind.
The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age: Envy
This article looks at the seven deadly sins in the context of our digital age. The author focuses here on the sin of envy.
A God-Centered Understanding of Sin
Challenging the modern trend of divorcing morality from God, this article shows that sin is primarily an attack on God. The author discusses this using the example of adultery and envy. The fact that God is the Creator causes sin to be against Him, and sin mars the character of God. The author highlights implications of this for pastoral care.