Daniel 9:1-19 - How to Have an Effective Prayer Life
Daniel 9:1-19 – Prayer with Feeling
The Theological and Exegetical Significance of Leviticus as Intertext in Daniel 9
What is the function of the voice of Leviticus in Daniel 9? Levitical terminology and thought-forms pervade the chapter. This essay argues that intertextual sensitivity to the Leviticus connections in Daniel 9 can make the reader sensitive for new insights in the theological perspective of the chapter.
The "Seventy Sevens" (Daniel 9:24) in Light of Heptadic Themes in Qumran
What is the meaning and function of the reference to the "seventy sevens" to which Daniel 9:24 refers? This study reads the text in the light of a number of Qumran sources. It concludes that these sources refer to the "seventy sevens" as primarily theological expressions rather than a temporal marker.
Daniel 9 – Daniel's Righteousness and His Confession of Sins
Daniel 9 – The Prayer of Daniel
This article considers the prayer of Daniel in Daniel 9.
Do the Sixty-Nine Weeks of Daniel Date the Messianic Mission of Nehemiah or Jesus?
A very important date for the interpretation of the book of Daniel is 536 BC. This date refers to the end of the seventy weeks of Daniel 9:24. It is also the start of the sixty-nine weeks of Daniel 9:25-26. At the end of this period a messiah would appear and Jerusalem would be rebuilt. The author argues that Nehemiah was this anointed one.
The Goal of Daniel's Seventy Weeks
What is the nature of the goal of the seventy weeks in the book of Daniel? The goals, as formulated in Daniel 9:24-27, are examined. The article proposes a relationship between the goals formulated and the content of Daniel 9:25-27.
Is Daniel 9:24-27 a Prophecy of Jesus?
Was Daniel’s prophecy about the coming “Anointed One" (Messiah) reliable? Are there two Messiahs spoken of in Daniel 9:24-27? How does this text relate to Jesus? Kaiser reflects on these questions.
The Book of Daniel – Lesson 9 Daniel ch. 9
Daniel 9:1-19 - The Delights of Faith
The Prayer of Daniel
Daniel 9 - The Prayer of Daniel
This article is a Bible study on Daniel 9.