A Pastor’s Reflections: Did I Preach Christ?
This article explains that preaching Christ is essential for every sermon.
This article explains that preaching Christ is essential for every sermon.
This article stresses the importance of preaching Christ from the Gospels. This approach recognizes the Old Testament roots of the teachings found in the Gospels.
Preaching the gospel is essential to the life of the church, because the one thing that the church needs most is Jesus Christ. This article gives five reasons why preaching Christ is essential.
This article contains a discussion on preaching Christ from the Old Testament.
Kaiser debates with Bryan Chapell and Sidney Greidanus on their views of preaching Christ from all of Scripture. He wants more clarity on what redemptive-historical preaching and a Christ-centred interpretation of Scripture should be.
This is the first article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. This article looks at the connection between preaching Christ and the gospel from the New Testament. Preaching that has authority is preaching that is Christ-centered. Preaching Christ is important for both believers and non-believers.
This is the second article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Preaching Christ means telling the good news about deliverance from sin and God's judgement.
This is the third article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Preaching Christ means preaching the glory of the gospel, God's counsel, election, and the glory of God's grace.
This is the fourth article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Preaching Christ includes speaking about the treasures of Christ. These treasures include: the fullness of Christ, election, Christ being the Head of the church, and grace.
This is the fifth article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Preaching the atonement of Christ should point people to the reality that God himself was responsible for the crucifixion. This was the way Christ was intended to die as our substitute. Christ's death provides reconciliation with God.
This is the sixth article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Here the author views the preacher as an herald - preaching in a way which points people to Christ - and as a messenger.
This is the ninth article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. We can learn a lot from the New Testament about preaching Christ. In the New Testament, believers preached Christ by pointing to Old Testament passages.
This is the eleventh article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Looking at Acts 7, this article looks at Stephen's preaching showing how New Testament preachers used the Old Testament to point to Christ. Stephen preached Christ through highlighting Israel's history.
This is the final article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. This article shows how Joshua 5 and Ezra 7:11-28 point to Christ. The author uses this to show how preaching Christ from the Old Testament can be done.