Guarding Our Eyes
This article explains that part of the problem we have with lust is that we learn to take a very passive view toward our thoughts. It shows how one's sexual identity should be a collaborative process with one's spouse.
A Note to Christian Men
This article reminds men of the power of lust and the desire for self-gratification, even through brief visual stimulation. It offers four thoughts on how men can reorder their thinking in this regard so that they think with Christ-like minds.
Jesus and the Lustful Eye – Glancing at Matthew 5:28
Does Jesus teach in Matthew 5:28 that sexual attraction should be viewed as sinful? This article takes a closer look at the immediate context of Matthew 5:28. The context indicates that Jesus is intensifying the application of the Torah. He does not, however, add restrictions on women's clothing. Jesus is holding men rather than women responsible for possible lust.
Big Sins, Little Sins
Is pornography a big sin and lust a little sin? This article answers this question by looking at the relationship between outward sins and internal sins.
The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age: Lust
This article looks at the seven deadly sins in the context of our digital age. The author shows how easy it is to fall into the sin of lust. Using pornography as an example, the author discusses the link between curiosity and lust.
"Soft" Pornography?
Adultery – Physical, Mental and Marital
Friends With Benefits
This article is about Friends With Benefits and the casual way our society looks at sex, sexual immorality and lust. The article also looks at how we should educate our children with regards to sexuality.