Romans 3:21–31 - But Now!
Romans 3:1–20 - Objections Answered
Stop Arguing, Face the Facts and Shut Your Mouth Considering Romans 3:1-20
The Great Exchange - My Sin For His Righteousness Considering Romans 3:21-31
Justification in Romans and Hebrews
This article considers how Romans 3:24-26 and Hebrews 9:14-15 contribute to the doctrine of justification.
Psalm 51 in Romans 3:4
Natural Revelation and the Purpose of the Law in Romans
This article believes that it is impossible to treat Paul’s understanding of the law of Moses rightly apart from at least some discussion of "natural revelation" in Paul’s letter to the Romans. The author believes that the two themes are linked in Romans 2:12-16 in such a way that the interpretation of one affects the interpretation of the other.
Romans 3:27-4:10 – David's Sin and Israel's Salvation (Part I)
This article discusses Paul's argument in Romans 3:27-Romans 4:10 that both Jew and Gentile, previously locked into sin and judgment, are now justified by faith.
Romans 3:1-8 – What Advantage the Jew
This article is a sermon on Romans 3:1-8.
The Shema and Early Christianity
Christianity emerged from Judaism. This article inquires how dialogue was conducted with the Jewish confession that the Lord is One. According to this article this did take place frequently, as is evident in the use of the Shema in many New Testament passages (e.g., Romans 3:27-31), and it was also a flashpoint of debate between the church and the synagogue in the first century.
Romans 3:25 – The meaning and Translation of Hilasterion
This essay considers the translation and meaning of the Greek word "hilasterion" in Romans 3:25.
Written in Blood
Romans 3:25 – The Wrath of God Satisfied for His People
This article considers the teaching of Romans 3:25.
Romans 3:24 – Justification Is Free, by God's Grace, through Christ's Redemption
This article is an exposition of Romans 3:24, on justification.
Romans 3:25 – How to Motivate Yourself and Others in Evangelism
This article considers Romans 3:25 in context as a motivation for intentional evangelism.
Romans 2:12-16 – Paul, the Law, Jews, and Gentiles: A Contextual and Exegetical Reading
Romans 2:12-16 raises important questions. What is the relationship of the Law to the Gentiles? Does Romans 2 teach that there is a “natural law” that is a Gentile equivalent to the Law of Moses? Has this text anything to say about conscience? Is it possible for Gentiles to receive salvation through obedience to this natural law? Is Paul’s argument in Romans 2:12-16 a contradiction to what he wrote in Romans 3:9 and 20?
The Glory of God – The Glory of God in Paul's Epistles
What is the glory of God? This question is answered by Gaffin as he opens up Paul’s theology of glory and shows how it is linked to important themes such as the gospel, the image of God, and Jesus’ resurrection and ascension.
Knowing the Bible (Romans) – God's Righteousness in His Wrath Against Sinners (Romans 1:18-3:20)
An Excursion with Ginomai
Romans 3:21-31 – The Revelation of God's Righteousness in the New Dispensation
Romans 3:1-8 – The Revelation of God's Righteousness in Wrath against the Wickedness of the Jews
Romans 3:21-26 - Three Illustrations of Salvation
Did Jesus Have to Die?
Revelation, Inspiration, and Infallibility (6): What the Bible Says about the Bible – The Significance of the Scripture as "The Oracles of God"
Looking at Romans 3:2, this article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the oracle of God—the means through which God speaks to his people.
Salvation By Grace Alone: None Seeketh After God
No one seeks after God. Man's salvation is only as a result of God's grace. In expositing Romans 3:11, this article shows that man by nature has no inclination to seek after God. Only when He is found by God can he seek after Him. This truth of salvation by grace alone is fundamental to the life of every Christian, family and church.
Romans 3:24-26 - Propitiation
This article is a Bible study on Romans 3:24-26.
Romans 3:24b - Redemption
This article is a Bible study on Romans 3:24b.
Romans 3:21-24a - Justified Freely
This article is a Bible study on Romans 3:21-24a.
Romans 3:19-20 - The Major Purpose for the Mosaic Law
This article is a Bible study on Romans 3:19-20.
Romans 3:9-18 - Paul or Peale?
This article is a Bible study on Romans 3:9-18.
Romans 3:1-8 - How Shall God Judge the World?
This article is a Bible study on Romans 3:1-8.
The Ground or Basis for Justification
Did Christ Die for Us or for God?
What is the innermost meaning of Jesus' crucifixion? What problem was God solving through the death of Christ? This article on Romans 3:25-26 maintains that the most basic purpose of the death of Christ is to demonstrate God's righteousness and justice.
The Demonstration of the Righteousness of God in Romans 3:25, 26
Romans 3:25, 26 refers to the righteousness of God. This righteousness is most naturally understood as God's commitment to always act for His own names' sake. This article is a study of God's righteousness as it is referred to in this passage.