Five Ways to Read More of the Bible
Are you looking for ways that can help you study more of the Word of God? Our daily programs can be packed with activities, and we end up having little time to read the Bible. The article suggests at least five ways that can help improve your Bible reading in your busy weekly schedule.
How God Wants You to Read the Bible
How do you read the Bible? Not all people approach the Word of God with the attitude of hearing and obeying the Word of God. This article gives advice on how to read the Bible with an attitude that displays submission to God.
God’s Communication with Us: His Word
Unshakeable Confidence Ministry of the Word
The Bible Is God's Word
Why These 66 Books?
How can we be sure that the sixty-six books in our Bible are the complete inspired Word of God? This article gets to the heart of why we can be sure: it shows that the Lord Jesus affirmed the Old Testament canon, and authorized his apostles to write the New Testament canon.
Belgic Confession Articles 3-7: The Scriptures
Yea, Hath God Said ...
The Bible is the Word of God. This article shows why we can be certain that this is true: the Bible not only claims to be God's Word, but also seems and proves to be.
Christianity and Social Problems
Are problems of racial discrimination, crime, public health, housing, and similar social issuues the concern of Christianity? This article wants to indicate how any authentic teaching of the gospel and Word of God will speak to every situation of human life including social and economic problems of our day.
God's Word and Man's Words
What is preaching and why is it so important? This paper considers the significance of preaching in its relationship with the Word of God. It indicates the importance of seeing Christ as the Word that God presents to the world. It also defines the relationship between God's Word and apostolic preaching. In the last section the article examines the relationship between the Word of God and contemporary preaching.
What Is the Word of God?
This article is a detailed discussion on the nature of the word of God. It involves a survey of different views in the history of theology about this subject. The author includes the views of Thomas Aquinas, Anselm, and Augustine, and moves to the views of the Reformation and afterward.
The Spirit Led Me To...
This article reflects on the saying that starts off with, "The Spirit led me to..." The author shows that this is typically used as a seal of authority, and thus ultimately goes astray, since our authority today is the Word of God.
A Brief History of Divine Revelation
This article contains some reflection on divine revelation, especially with respect to the New Testament. Among other issues, it seeks to know whether we can be certain that the New Testament is the Word of God. It explains the role of the three persons of the Trinity in revelation.
What Do We Mean by Sola Scriptura?
The Roman church has declared that the Protestants are accursed for taking away the Word of God as found in tradition. On the other hand, the Protestants have declared that the Roman church is a false church because it adds human traditions to the Word of God. What must we make of these opposing positions and how must we understand the source of authority for the believer today?
This article explains the authority, profitability, necessity, and blessing in the Word of God. The article further deals with issues of understanding and revering this precious Word.
Word and Bible: The God of Word III
This article addresses the question, "What is the 'Word of God'?"
Word and Spirit: The God of Word II
How is an emphasis on the Word of God to take into account the activity of the Spirit? What is the relationship between the Word and Spirit? To these and other questions the article turns.
The God of Word
This article looks at Scripture in order to establish that the biblical faith must be "word-shaped," for it is the Word of God that creates and nurtures faith.
The Doctrine of Inspiration Since the Reformation Part II: Changing Climates of Opinion
This article surveys the different challenges to the belief in the Scriptures as the Word of God since the time of the Reformation. It takes a look at the different attitudes and methods that are reflected in modern views of revelation, and the inspiration and authority of Scripture.
Christ the Revelation or Revealer? Brunner and Reformed Orthodoxy on the Doctrine of the Word of God
Muller discusses the views of Emil Brunner on the doctrine of Scripture and revelation in relation to the views of Reformed Orthodoxy. Does Brunner identify the Word of God with Scripture?
Biblical Inerrancy: The Last Twenty-Five Years
The author surveys twenty-five years of development in the discussions within the Evangelical Theological Society on the nature of Scripture as the Word of God. The aspect that stands in the centre of discussions is the inerrancy of Scripture. Areas surveyed include historical developments, philosophy, theology, criticism, archaeology, and hermeneutics.
The Canon of the New Testament
What books are to be enclosed in the New Testament canon and therefore received as the Word of God? Kistemaker surveys the history of the reception of the canon during the apostolic era, the understanding of the authority of Scripture, and what the essence of the canon entails.
The Wonder of God's Word
Why Do I Believe the Bible Is the Word of God?
Concise Reformed Dogmatics – Holy Scripture
This first section of chapter 3 introduces Holy Scripture as the Word of God. There are two main foci: the relationship between revelation and the Scriptures, and the unity between the Old and New Testaments.
Biblical Authority and the Concept of Inerrancy
Morris reflects on the nature of the authority of Scripture. He wants to answer questions like: Does the Old Testament teach that only its general drift is important but not its details? Do the New Testament writers go astray in minor matters but preserve the truth in broad perspective? Do the Bible authors regard the whole of Scripture as reliable and worthy to be called the "Word of God”?
Can the Bible Be Completely Inspired by God and Yet Still Contain Errors? A Response to Some Recent "Evangelical" Proposals
Beale reacts to the view of evangelical colleagues that God has inspired all of Scripture in such a way that the marks of human fallibility are woven into it. As background to his argument against such a position, Beale notes that the apostle John was given the same prophetic commission to write the Word of God as Ezekiel was.
Colossians 3:16 - Cherish the Word
Revelation, Inspiration, and Infallibility (10): What the Bible Says About the Bible - The Testimony of the Psalms
This article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the Word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the claim of the Psalms.
Revelation, Inspiration, and Infallibility (9): What the Bible Says About the Bible - The Testimony of the Psalms
This article shows that the infallibility of scripture rests on its claim that it is the word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the claim of the Psalms.
Revelation, Inspiration, and Infallibility (8): What the Bible Says About the Bible - The Testimony of the Prophets
This article shows that the infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the claim of the prophets.
Revelation, Inspiration, and Infallibility (7): What the Bible Says About the Bible - The Testimony of the Old Testament
The infallibility of Scripture rests on its claim that it is the word of God. This article discusses the Old Testament account of this claim, focusing on the first five books.
The Real Bible
Ephesians 6:17 - The Sword of the Spirit
According to Ephesians 6:17, the only offensive weapon Christians have in standing against the devil is the word of God. Therefore, not believing that God's word is infallible and inerrant weakens the church.
Luke 19:11-28 - Trading With the Pound
Perspective On The Word Of God: The Media Of The Word Of God
This article shows that the Word of God comes to us through God's actions, human words, and through persons. The author discusses the relationship between this means of the revelation of God and the Bible.
Perspective On The Word Of God: Introduction And The Nature Of The Word Of God
This article shows that the Word of God cannot be equated with the Bible. God's Word includes His powerful speech (stating what will happen), authoritative speech (stating what ought to happen), and His personal presence. This is the self expression of God, or His Word. This article is about the nature of Scripture.
Entrusted with the Oracles of God...
Christians are entrusted with the word of God. This article makes a plea to believers to treat God's word with respect and honour by reading and obeying it.
Answered prayers
The Prince of Darkness Grim: Luther’s Battle against the Devil
William Tyndale's Concept of the Church
Sola Scriptura and the Reformation in Zurich
Acts 2 – The Spirit of Prophecy
James 1:24 – Mirror, Mirror
Preaching the Word of God
Acts 6:7 – The Growing Word
The Spirit and The Old Testament
A Light Upon My Path
2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is God-Breathed
Luke 16:29 - The All Sufficient Word of God
Romans 10:13-14 - The Purpose of the Ministry
2 Peter 3:5 - Robbing the Word of its Power
Studying Reality at the Secular University
The Source of Authority
The Inspiration of Scripture
The author discusses Scripture as the Word of God, the inspiration of Scripture, the Biblical writers and Biblical scholarship.
From the Scriptures to the Sermon 1 - Some Perspectives on Preaching
"I urge you, Timothy, as we live in the sight of God and of Christ Jesus (whose coming in power will judge the living and the dead), to preach the Word of God. Never lose your sense of urgency, in season or out of season.