A contemporary sermon
The text and the sermon
Pastor and teacher in the pulpit
The Sermon: What May we Expect?
A Key Sign That You Are Maturing as a Preacher
What Is a Preacher? Marks of a Healthy Church 2
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelistic Preaching
This article considers the work of the Holy Spirit upon the preacher, in both his preparation and delivery of the sermon.
Marks of a Good Preacher
Christ-Centered Preaching – Word and Witness
This chapter explores the theological motive and purpose of preaching. The goal of preaching is not focused on a mere communication of information. Preaching is a means of transformation ordained by God that affects the relationship between God and man. Chapell notes God's power in using the Scriptures, a power mediated by Jesus Christ through his Spirit. The preaching of Christ is a means through which the Holy Spirit exercises his work and power.
"Preacher" and "Preaching": Some Lexical Observations
In this essay, the author offers some lexical observations on the use of words like "preacher," "preaching," and "proclamation" in the New Testament. This article makes a distinction between a pastor of a local church and a preacher with a missionary calling. The use of these terms in the apostolic fathers is also noted.
Serious Preaching In a Comedy Culture
Preaching 101
The Preacher and the Holy Spirit
The Minister and the Congregation Under the Word
The Sermon and the Listener
The Listener and the Sermon
About Listeners and Their Ability to Form Images
The Genius of Preaching
Preaching and the Real Battle for Worship (2)
Preaching Christ (Part 6)
This is the sixth article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Here the author views the preacher as an herald - preaching in a way which points people to Christ - and as a messenger.
The Pastor as Preacher
The Water of Life (Part 3): The Spirit and Pastoral Preaching
This article is the third in a series on the work of the Holy Spirit. It shows that preaching which is not aided by the Spirit will fail. The work of the Holy Spirit is needed both by the preacher and the listeners. Effective and edifying preaching comes only as a result of the Spirit working in the preacher and the listener.
The Spirit and the Word in Preaching
The preacher, or minister, depends on the Holy Spirit to understand God's word and preach it clearly and boldly. Also, the effectiveness of preaching depends entirely on the Holy Spirit.
The Delivery of the Sermon He Should Watch His Voice
Remedies for Ministerial Discouragement
Profiting from Preaching
Who Speaks from the Pulpit?
Elder's Oversight of the Preaching
Lord Give Us Good Preachers!
Ephesians 3:8 - The Grand End of Ministry
John Calvin - The Preacher of St Pierre
Long Sermons
Preaching: a Matter of Life and Death A Tribute to the Memory of a Friend
The Preacher as Priest
Preaching and the Ministry
The Preacher as Listener: The Role of the Hearer in the Preaching of the Gospel
The Preacher as Christ's Herald
In this article on the preacher as the herald of Christ, the author also discusses communication in preaching and the content of preaching.
From the Scriptures to the Sermon 2 : The Problem of Paradigms
Our paradigms of reality determine how we process informational data. It determines what we make of it (to speak in everyday terms), for processing data is essentially a matter of fitting the bits into our overall frame of reference. In this way paradigms become the pathway to understanding - if the paradigm is a good one, or to misunderstanding if it is not.
Dr Lloyd-Jones and Authority in Preaching
This article is about M. Lloyd-Jones' view on preaching, specifically the authority and power of preaching, the presence of God and preaching, the attention of the hearers, the preacher and powerful preaching, and preaching and prayer.
Missions and Exegesis
This article focuses on the fact that the missionary is first and foremost a preacher, and therefor needs to study the Word of God intensely.