Foreignizing Bible Translation: Retaining Foreign Origins When Rendering Scripture
What are the best methods to use when translating the Bible? This essay considers the idea of foreignizing Bible translation. It is a method that wants to "relocate" the Bible reader into the world of the text. This method is contrasted with a domestication of the text. This essay discusses the advantages of foreignizing translation practices.
Theory and Practice in Bible Translation
This article is a discussion of general theory and practice of Bible translation and related subjects like hermeneutics or theory of interpretation, linguistics, and transculturation.
Relevance Theory and the Translation of Scripture
Jobes underlines the importance of Bible translation. She reflects on Bible translation through her outline of a biblical theology of language. She also explores relevance theory as it bears on the question of translation. Jobes works toward conclusions on what characteristics a translation must have to be faithful.
Linguistic and Hermeneutical Fallacies in the Guidelines Established at the “Conference on Gender-Related Language in Scripture”
In this article the author responds to the Conference on Gender-Related Language in Scripture where the participants drafted a series of guidelines on gender-related language in Bible translation. This paper is an examination and critique of these guidelines. The author argues that these guidelines are linguistically and hermeneutically incomplete and misleading.
Tributes to John Calvin – Calvin's Children
The concern of Chapter 1 is the spread of John Calvin’s theology in the world. It provides a survey of Calvin’s and his successors’ influence on the development of modern culture.
Interpreting in Cultural Context
How do cultural issues influence the interpretation of Scripture? Kraft selects four areas where understanding the influence of culture can help his readers understand how Scripture should be interpreted. He develops a method that he calls culturolinguistic. He depends strongly on the insights from Bible translation theorists like Eugene Nida and John Beekman.
Theological Influence on Translation
Bible translation involves interpretation. Translation and interpretation are a theological engagement with the Bible. Woudstra reflects on questions of Bible translation and the role of theological influence upon it.
Survey Studies in Reformed Theology (6): The Translation of Scripture
This article looks at two forms of Bible translation: literal translation and dynamic equivalence. The author gives some guidance on choosing a Bible translation, and explains the basic requirements for a Bible translation.
Why is the 2011 NIV a Problem for Our Churches?
This article gives an evaluation of the 2011 New International Version Bible translation, looking specifically at its use of gender neutral terms. The author compares the NIV to the New King James Version and the English Standard Version, giving preference to the ESV.
Report on Bible Translation
The Bible Today
Martyr for the English Reformation William Tyndale 1494-1994
Martin Luther and the German New Testament
Reflections on the NIV
Martin Luther as Translator of the Bible
For whom is the New King James Version?
The Monarchs and the Message
This article is an introduction to The Kingdom New Testament Bible translation, by N.T. Wright. The author discusses Bible translation historically and theologically, reflecting on various difficulties in translating accurately and true to text.
Which Version Now?
The Message - The New Testament in the language of the street
Bible Translations and Reformed Training for the Ministry
What about the NIV?
John Wycliffe
William Tyndale as Translator of the Bible
God, Grammar and Gender
Lingua Frankly - Inclusive and Personal
Bible translation is important. The view of the function of language and the task of the translator are no less important. One of the major stimuli to reevaluating the task of translation has been the feminist movement within the church. The discussion has largely centred on the use of gender-specific language, both of human beings and God.