Experiencing the Day of Rest in the First Century
A Day Belonging to Jesus
Is it proper to conclude that "the Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10 refers to Sunday? This article engages with this question.
Worshipping the Lord of the Sabbath
This article explains that the Old Testament Sabbath, an institution of the Lord at creation, has enduring significance for the church after Christ. God as Creator and Redeemer calls his people still today to rest on the Lord's Day.
Guidelines for Sanctifying the Lord's Day
9 Thoughts on Two Sunday Services
This article gives nine thoughts for calling Christians to observe the second service on the Lord's Day.
Affirmation of the Christian Sabbath
The Lord's Day is intended to secure rest, blessing, and delight for the Christian. This article shows how keeping the Sabbath brings that, and it gives practical suggestions to keeping the Sunday.
From Holy Day to Holiday
Continental Lord's Day versus Westminster Sabbath
Jesus - Lord of the Sabbath
O Day of Rest and Gladness...or Burden and Sorrow?
Come to Me All Who Are Weary and Burdened, and I Will Give You Rest
Are Evening Worship Services a Matter of Personal Preference for God’s Children?
This article shows that attending the evening service on the Lord's Day is not simply a matter of personal choice. The second service is important, because in both services we are given a foretaste of glory, are fed from the Word, are prepared for our eternal home, and are encouraged by the Holy Spirit and the fellowship of God's people.
The Evening Service
The evening service is crucial to keeping the Lord's Day, since it follows the Old Testament pattern of the morning and evening sacrifice. In addition, it allows more time for the expounding of God's word.
Don't Give Up on the Evening Service
Although holding an evening service is not mentioned directly in scripture, it is still a good and recommended practice for keeping the Lord's Day. This article gives reasons why Christians should attend or initiate the second service.
The Synod of Dordrecht and the Sabbath
Together with other issues, the Synod of Dordrecht faced some concerns around the keeping of the Sabbath. The Synod of Dort had to decide what to do with the threat of not keeping the Lord's Day, and what to do with those who think that keeping the Sabbath is not required by God. The church today faces these same questions.
The Westminster Standards: A Comprehensive Treatment of the Sabbath
Looking at the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21, this article argues that the fourth commandment concerning the Sabbath is a universal command. The author places the Westminster Confession of Faith in its historical context, looking at how it's perspective on the Lord's Day was received by the people.
A Primer on the Lord's Day
How to Spend the Sabbath Profitably
The Command We Love to Keep
The Lord's Will … for the Lord's Day
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:7
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 21:7 is about Lord's Day and Sabbath.
The Lord's Day Refreshment
The Lord's Day or the Christian Sabbath
Keeping the Sabbath
The Lord's Day: A Test Case
The Puritan Sabbath Lessons from the Puritans on the Place and Preservation of the Sabbath
Whose Day is it Anyway?
No Scissors on the Sabbath
What is the Lord's Day?
Sabbath Hedonism
Let the Lord's Day be a delight. It should be a day of rest and joy. (Isaiah 58:13-14)