How Do We Reach Our Modern World?
The Sealing and Witnessing Work of the Holy Spirit
Seven Simple Ways to Share Your Faith with Others
Every Christian is called to be a witness. However, witnessing for Christ can be a challenge at times. This article offers seven ways to help you in sharing your faith with others.
Five Things You Must Do When Talking to People About Jesus
When you are witnessing to a non-Christian, these are five things you must not forget.
Evangelization through Repentance
Falling into sin may be viewed as weakening your Christian witness. However, are you aware that your repentance is also evangelism? This article explains how repentance is a form of witnessing.
Three Lies That Hinder Our Mission According to John Calvin
What are the lies that hinder you from living the Christian life, witnessing, and evangelism? This article shows from John Calvin that there are three lies: self, society, and Satan.
Six Enemies of Apologetic Engagement
What is it that hinders Christians from engaging in apologetics? This article identifies six reasons that hinder Christians from witnessing.
Evangelism in the Established Church: The Role of Every Believer in Evangelism
Anointed as prophet, every Christian has the calling and ability to confess Jesus’ name. This article explains that evangelism is the responsibility of every believer. The love of God experienced by the believer generates a response of love, which is the motive for evangelism. So members must be encouraged to carry out this task of witnessing.
How We Live as Witnesses of Christ
Acts 4:13-20 – Witnesses by the Spirit’s Power
Jeremiah Could Not Keep Still
Reaching Out
A Heart for the Gospel
Engaging in evangelism requires true compassion for people. A heart for witnessing is grounded in a passion for the lost, the desire to see the lost saved, personal knowledge of Christ, and the knowledge of Christ's love for the lost.