Ten Things You Should Know about Church Membership
Why is church membership important? Here are ten things you should know about church membership.
Church Membership: Loving What Jesus Loves
Is church membership a must? This article explains that those who love Jesus love what he loves, namely, his church. Thus, church membership is expected of you.
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 28
The WW2 Generation Helping Generations Y and Z
Profession of Faith and the Church
The Confession of Faith Article 28 That Every One is Bound to Join Himself to the True Church
Forty Reasons to Be Part of a Local Church
This article shows how often from the New Testament the command appears to live in some sense with other believers. These are all reasons for a Christian to have membership in a local church.
Adding to the Church during the Early American Period
This article is a historical study of how the New England church in America dealt with issues like the determining of membership after a person or persons came forward as converts. There were a set of rules and procedures that had to be laid down at that time to determine whether one was genuinely a member of Christ's body or not.
Jesus Loves His Church, So You Should Too
Who needs the local church when I can access sermons online? This article gets to the heart of the problem of thinking one does not need membership in the church. The church is the bride of Christ, and its very foundation is built upon the triune God. The Lord Jesus calls us to unity, which requires self-sacrifice.
"The Communion of Saints"
Announcing a Withdrawal
Another Brick in the Wall
The Church: Who Needs It?
The Meaning of Membership and Church Accountability
Part of our calling as the family of Christ is to hold membership in a local church. This membership involves commitment to worship the Lord corporately, edifying brothers and sisters through mutual exhortation and service, cooperation in mission, and holding each other accountable to walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord.