The Bible: Infallible and Inerrant School of Theology Series: Lecture 5
God’s Communication with Us: His Word
Infallible and Inerrant
Why should you trust the Bible? It is inspired by God through the Holy Spirit, inerrant in its original form, and infallible in all that it teaches. This article explains the importance of the doctrines of inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility to the believer.
The Doctrine of Scripture Today: Trends in Evangelical Thinking
This article sounds an alarm regarding the trends that have been taking place in evangelical thinking on the doctrine of Scripture. The author deals with issues like the divinity of Scripture, the agency or instrumentality of man, the infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture, their authority, and their preservation.
Are the New Testament Documents Reliable?
This article considers the reliability of the New Testament, in light of recent attacks on the infallibility of the Bible.
Biblical Inerrancy (Part 1)
This article addresses the doctrine of inerrancy and infallibility, and reveals how these are being increasingly rejected.
Holy Scripture
The Inspiration and Authority of Holy Scripture
When we talk about the authority and infallibility of Scripture, we have to consider the manner in which the Bible itself speaks about these two. This article shows that the Bible speaks about authority and infallibility in relation to the nature and purpose of Scripture.
The Infallibility of Scripture and Evangelical Progress
According to Stonehouse's judgment there is an intimate connection between maintaining the infallibility of Scripture and making progress in the evangelical faith. He argues that the more clearly and consistently the infallibility of Scripture is upheld, the more assurance there will be of genuine advance in the field of biblical and theological studies.
The Inerrancy of Scripture
The doctrine of biblical inerrancy is rooted in the nature of God and in the Bible's teaching about itself. This article looks at the doctrine of inerrancy and infallibility in relationship to the original text of Scripture and its copies and the impact it has for Bible interpretation.
Orthodox Obedience
This is a general reflection on the richness of the Reformed Orthodox tradition. It mainly appreciates this tradition's refusal to let its view of the infallibility and centrality of the revealed Word of God be swayed by unbiblical thinking.
The Three Pillars of Christian Education
Battling Over the Bible
Questions around the reliability of the Bible have arisen throughout history. The author of this article maintains that the church must confess the inerrancy, or infallibility of scripture even while she acknowledges its human authorship.
Bavinck on the Doctrine of Inscripturated Special Revelation
Old Princeton, Westminster, and Inerrancy
What exactly is meant by the doctrine of the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture? This author looks specifically at how these doctrines have been understood by prominent theologians of the past, such as B.B. Warfield.