God’s Leading: Pitfalls
Lead by the Spirit
How does God guide? This article explains that alongside special revelation, guidance for the Christian must have as its two reference points the mind of Christ and Christian prudence. Further, the author explains how this is relevant for a very comprehensive theology of guidance, one that involves three principles: always observe the general rules of the Word, be guided by the light of nature, and use our minds.
God Guides the Humble
Knowing God's Will Through Scripture
Guidance along the Way
How Do You Discern God’s Guidance?
How does God give guidance? God's guidance can only be received through the Bible and prayer. What role do the advice of others, circumstances, and reason play? This article argues that they have a role as long as they lead us back to God's Word.
Making the Simple Wise
Reading God’s Providence
What does God want me to do? This is a question that arises when facing a challenging situation or after one has happened. This article gives three warnings and three guidelines to reading God's providence in the search for guidance.
Paths of Righteousness
The Ministry of the Spirit in Discerning the Will of God
Knowing God's will and following his guidance should not be a superstitious exercise. It should be the result of the work of the Holy Spirit as he works renewal in the believer, through the Word, applying it to concrete life situations in the context of godly advice. In this way believers are able to have good discernment. This is what the article explains.
How Can I Know Which Way to Go? Seeking God’s Path
Finding God's Will for Your Life
Do Not Trust Your Feelings
Appreciate the Wisdom of the Bible
Lord, Where Do I Go From Here?
When seeking God's guidance, one big pitfall to avoid is dividing life into big things (for which we want God's attention) and small things (for which we don't ask God's guidance). Believers should try seek out what is pleasing to God instead of focusing on trying to derive His specific will and plan for their life. This article calls for a life of obedience.
What About Fleeces?
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Guidance from the Lord
What is Spiritual Direction?
In this article comprehensive introduction to the subject of Spiritual Direction is given. The author outlines the purpose, processes and content of Spiritual Direction. She further explores various models for understanding the practice of one person meeting with another for guidance and companionship.