Breathed Out by God
The Bible was the only book Jesus ever quoted, and then never as a basis for discussion but to decide the point at issue.
The Belgic Confession of Faith Article 5 The Dignity and Authority of the Bible
The Absolute Authority of the Word of God
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 5
Four Weighty Attributes of Scripture
This article explains four attributes of Scripture: the indispensability of Scripture, clarity of Scripture, sufficiency of Scripture and authority of Scripture.
Isn't the Bible Full of Errors?
Is the Bible full of errors? This question is raised to object to the authority of Scripture. This article looks at four claims regarding errors in the Bible: errors of fact, errors of verbal transmission, errors of written transmission, and contradictions.
Here We Stand
The Christian church confesses to standing on the authority of Scripture alone. This article discusses eight implications flowing from this conviction.
Scripture Is True: Machen on the Bible
Denying the authority of scripture is denying the Christian view of salvation. This is what liberalism does, and this article explains how.
The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture
The authority of Scripture should be carefully distinguished from the authority itself and what theologians say about it. On this same subject, one must be clear about the nature and purpose of Scripture, bearing in mind what may be raised as inconsistencies, contradictions, and incompatibilities that may face us. This article is a careful consideration of the doctrine of the inspiration and authority of Scripture.
The Authority of Scripture
What is the basis upon which believers must accept the authority of Scripture and the inspiration of Scripture? The author argues that the main basis should be in Scripture's own witness. In the process, the claim by the Roman Catholic church for tradition as a source of authority in the believer's life is refuted based on Scripture.
The Authority of Scripture
This article is concerned with the significance of the authority of Scripture as rediscovered by the Reformation. How significant was the recognition of the authority of Scripture? The author defines what we should understand by the authority of Scripture. The author's description emphasizes the non-subjective aspects of Scripture. The relation between divine inspiration and divine authority of the Scriptures is also investigated.
The Rule of Faith & Practice
This article provides a series of questions and answers that engage with the authority of Scripture and how it is the only rule of faith and practice. It also considers the Roman Catholic church's view, which identifies Scripture and tradition as the infallible rule of faith and practice. Various points raised by the Roman Church in defence of its position are debated in detail.
Sola Scriptura and the Early Church
The article traces the view of the early church fathers on the authority of Scripture, showing that they held to the doctrine of sola Scriptura. Their view was abandoned by the Roman church, and then restored by the Reformation.
The Defense of Christianity
This article presents a dialogue between actors of different faith convictions: one is an unbeliever, the next is Reformed, and the third is Roman Catholic. The discussions touch on aspects such as the authority of Scripture and proofs for the existence of God. At the end the author notes both positive and negative aspects of each position.
Whence the Authority of the Bible? Or: Why the Great Reformers Preached with Confidence
Regarding the authority of Scripture, some have argued that it depends on the Bible's content, and as such, the Bible is inspired only as far as its main message is concerned. This article defends the full authorith of God's Word, which meant for the Reformers that one may preach from any passage with the confidence that it is the inspired Word of God.
Reformation, Revival, and Scripture’s Authority
The main dividing point between the Roman Catholic Church and the Reformation was their respective views on Scripture. This article shows that the Reformers did not question the authority of Scripture. Today, this authority is being questioned.
Now That I'm a Christian – Bible
Chapter 1 is an introduction to the function and authority of Scripture in the life of a Christian.
The Holy Scriptures
The Impact of Postmodern Thinking on Evangelical Hermeneutics
The authors reflect upon the context of postmodernism in which the church finds itself and the impact it has on both an evangelical understanding of the authority of Scripture and a hermeneutic that allows believers to understand and apply God's Word to different aspects of the Christian faith and life.
The Convergence of Narrative and Christology: Hans Frei on the Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
How should Hans Frei’s approach to Christological truth claims be appreciated? Callahan gives a critical discussion of Frei's Christology in the light of what he sees as puzzling elements, such as what Frei sees as fictive or "novel-like characteristics" of the Gospels.
The Doctrine of Inspiration Since the Reformation Part II: Changing Climates of Opinion
This article surveys the different challenges to the belief in the Scriptures as the Word of God since the time of the Reformation. It takes a look at the different attitudes and methods that are reflected in modern views of revelation, and the inspiration and authority of Scripture.
Three books on the Bible: A Critical Review
This article is an extensive review of three books on the inspiration and authority of Scripture: The Divine Inspiration of Scripture by William J. Abraham, The Scope and Authority of the Bible by James Barr, and Biblical Inspiration by I. Howard Marshall.
John Calvin and Inerrancy
How did John Calvin understand the authority of Scripture? Can he be included in modern views on inerrancy? After giving a short description of Calvin's view of the inspiration of Scripture, the author gives a bibliography on literature that is helpful for further research in this area.
Limits of Cultural Interpretation
The article wants to acknowledge the importance of the cultural context of the modern interpreter of the Bible. The study of the culture of the recipient of the biblical message is important. However, what are good guidelines for the use of cultural tools? How do we contextualize the message of the Bible?
The Behavioral Sciences under the Authority of Scripture
What is the relevance and meaning of the authority of Scripture for the social sciences? This essay considers the relationship between faith and social sciences.
The Canon of the New Testament
What books are to be enclosed in the New Testament canon and therefore received as the Word of God? Kistemaker surveys the history of the reception of the canon during the apostolic era, the understanding of the authority of Scripture, and what the essence of the canon entails.
The Authority and Meaning of the Christian Canon: A Response to Gerald Sheppard on Canon Criticism
Piper responds to the views of Gerald Sheppard on canon criticism. He explains in what respects he cannot agree. Aspects Piper notes include the authority of Scripture and the problem of interpretation.
The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism – Introduction
In this Introduction the author gives a small peek into a broader discussion about the authority of Scripture in evangelical circles of biblical and theological scholars. Beale reacts to what he sees as a reassessment of the traditional evangelical view of the Bible’s inspiration formulated especially in the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978).
Scripture, Tradition and Authority in the Second Century
Where do Christians find the rule of faith? How should the authority of Scripture be understood in relation to church tradition? This paper looks at the witness of the second century church in aspects like tradition, succession, canonicity, and exegesis.
Concise Reformed Dogmatics – Introduction
The part of Chapter 1 presented here introduces the function and nature of church dogmas or doctrines. It naturally involves a discussion of the relationship between the authority of Scripture and the tradition of the church. In the Reformed tradition Scripture functions as the highest norm. The authors emphasizes the ecclesiastical and confessional character of dogmas.
The inspiration and authority of Scripture: J. D. G. Dunn versus B. B. Warfield (Part 3)
In this part of a series of three articles, Nicole continues to answer the views of J.D.G. Dunn on the inspiration and authority of Scripture. The author provides a summary of the practical impact of Dunn’s view of inspiration on his theory of interpretation and his conception of authority.
Biblical Authority and the Concept of Inerrancy
Morris reflects on the nature of the authority of Scripture. He wants to answer questions like: Does the Old Testament teach that only its general drift is important but not its details? Do the New Testament writers go astray in minor matters but preserve the truth in broad perspective? Do the Bible authors regard the whole of Scripture as reliable and worthy to be called the "Word of God”?
The Authority of the Bible Today
How is God's authority mediated to man? Morris wants to focus on the authority of Scripture, distinguishing it from the authority of the church.
The Authority and Special Character of the Bible
The Authority of Holy Scripture Articles 4-5: Belgic Confession
Erasmus and the Authority of Scripture
By what Authority?
This article is about the Reformers and their view of Scripture and the authority of Scripture in the reformation of the church. Sola Scriptura is also discussed.