The Confession of the Absolute Truth
John 20:24-29 – Is Doubt Good?
Christ's Obedience – Our Salvation
Mopping the Floor While Leaving the Tap Open
How Important Are Sports?
Hating Sin and the Sinner
Psycho-Analysis and Prayer
Not Just 'Jesus'
Good Friday: God's Incomprehensible Love for Lost Sinners
2 Timothy 3:15 – Holy Scriptures and Faith in Christ
Should Children Go to the Basement?
Experience Comes with Faith
Christ Must Be Preached
Who Speaks from the Pulpit?
Are Infants in the Church and Unbelievers Outside of it in the Same Position?
Our Labour in the Lord
On Being Wasteful
"I Think"
Revelation 6: The Four Horses
Resurrection: The Glory of the Risen King
Hebrews 6:6 - Is Conversion After Apostasy Impossible? A Look at Hebrews 6:6
Studying Reality at the Secular University
Singing Psalms about Christ
The Perfection of Christ Jesus and Our Perfection
Again: So Many Accidents! Why?
Accidental Death: Does it Make Sense?
Should the Sick have the Lord's Supper at Home?
This article is about the question if the Lord's Supper must be administered to sick people at home, and also discusses the relation between the Lord's Supper and the communion of believers.
What led to the Liberation?
This article is about the Liberation in the Reformed churches of the Netherlands in 1944. The (presumed) regeneration of children, and children as covenant children are also discussed.