True and False Catholicism
The Fifth Commandment: Submitting to Authority
The Bible: How It Came to Us School of Theology Series: Lecture 4
The Bible: Infallible and Inerrant School of Theology Series: Lecture 5
Parenting as Shepherds
Thus Sayeth the Pastor: The Nature and Limits of Pastoral Authority
How would you describe the nature of the pastor's authority? This article shows that authority in the church is a delegated authority, limited by the Word of God, Christ-like in its demeanour, honouring to the freedoms of the Christian, and concerned with obedience to God and not the pastor.
Authority That Gives
The Reformed View of the Scriptures
This article is an exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith on the doctrine of Scripture. It surveys different aspects or attributes of Scripture, i.e., its sufficiency, necessity, authority, perspiquity.
Reformed “Spotlight”: Ten Characteristics of Mr. Controller
There is a big difference between exercising authority and being authoritarian. Authoritarianism is the exercise of unlawful authority or unlawful use of lawful authority. The article unpacks ten characteristics of an authoritarian.
The Spirit Led Me To...
This article reflects on the saying that starts off with, "The Spirit led me to..." The author shows that this is typically used as a seal of authority, and thus ultimately goes astray, since our authority today is the Word of God.
The Authority of Scripture
This article investigates the reasons why Scripture is the hightest authority, above other authorities such as oral tradition, the church, and creeds. The author suggests that the central argument for the authority of Scripture relates to Christ himself. Not only is Scripture an authority; it is the only authority. This is a carefully argued topic, with the word "authority" itself investigated as to its meaning in different ages.
This article explains the authority, profitability, necessity, and blessing in the Word of God. The article further deals with issues of understanding and revering this precious Word.
Maintaining Authority in our Homes
All authority is ordained by God. This article explains the implications of this for the exercise of authority in the Christian home. It examines the exercising of authority in parenting and the role of children in submitting to authority.
Inerrancy Part 3: Why Is Inerrancy So Often under Attack?
Four Ways to Live?
The Authority of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
In New Testament studies there often is a search for a non-messianic Jesus. This essay, however, suggests that the essential and distinctive characteristic of Jesus is to be found in his authority (Greek, exousia"). The author argues that "authority" as used by Mark derives from the authority of God that Jesus receives at his baptism. This authority is linked to Jesus' unique confidence to act on God's behalf.
The Lordship of Christ – Being Radically Christian
Unshakable – Says Who? He Whose Word Cannot Be Broken
Chapter 1 considers the problem of authority. The focus of the problem may change in different periods of history, but the basic question is always the same: To whom or what should I ultimately submit? How can I know what is true and what is not? Different sources of authority are noted. The chapter is an unfolding of the authority of the Son of God as it is portrayed in the Epistle to the Hebrews.
The Authority of Scripture
The authority of Scripture is rooted in its divine origin and inspiration. This article argues that upholding the authority of scripture has implications for preaching and evangelism.
The Authority of Scripture
What should we understand by the authority of Scripture? This article shows that the authority of Scripture rests in God. It defines the basis of this authority, and discusses other authorities appealed to in relation to the authority of Scripture. It then shows what implications this has for the church today.
The Inspiration and Authority of Holy Scripture
When we talk about the authority and infallibility of Scripture, we have to consider the manner in which the Bible itself speaks about these two. This article shows that the Bible speaks about authority and infallibility in relation to the nature and purpose of Scripture.
Divine Origin and Unique Character of the Holy Sciptures
Understanding the Reformation ground for the canonicity of the Scriptures is helpful for understanding the divine origin and authority of Scripture. This article explains that ground and shows what implication this has for the functioning of the church.
The inspiration and authority of Scripture: J. D. G. Dunn versus B. B. Warfield (Part 3)
In this part of a series of three articles, Nicole continues to answer the views of J.D.G. Dunn on the inspiration and authority of Scripture. The author provides a summary of the practical impact of Dunn’s view of inspiration on his theory of interpretation and his conception of authority.
Freedom and Authority
The authority of God and submission to it is the path to true freedom. Why? This article answers this question by looking at the nature of biblical authority and how it differs from secular authority.
Give me Authority or Give Me Death
Democracy and the Denigration of Office
One threat facing the church today is that of egalitarianism or democracy, which has an effect on the church office. We need to promote the right view of office and authority.
Authority & Inspiration of the Scriptures
The authority and inspiration of scripture rests in Christ, not the human authors.
Father’s Authority in the Christian Home (2)
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article focuses on the way the father exercises his authority during the child's different stages of growth.
Father’s Authority in the Christian Home (1)
Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to rule over their children, guide their development, protect them from evil, and train them in the way of the Lord. This responsibility is given to them by God, and the father has a special role to play in the way he exercises his authority in the home. This article shows that fathers should in their actions mirror our Father in heaven.
The One Infallible Authority
The Bible is God’s self-revelation, and is the only authority in His church. God also guides the church in her interpretation of scripture, which should be based on the testimony of scripture itself so that the authority remains with the Bible. This truth goes against the teaching and practice of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Supreme Authority of the Holy Scriptures
There are calls today for reformed churches to work with the Roman Catholic Church. Fundamental to this is the question: has the Roman Catholic Church changed? This article shows that what divided the Roman Catholic Church from the reformers was the view on the authority of Scripture. Catholicism still upholds tradition and hierarchy as the supreme authority, and therefore unity with reformed churches remains impossible.
The Ungodly Departure
The Power of the Church in Laws and Discipline
Sola Scriptura: A Necessity Today
Looking at the doctrine of sola scriptura, this article shows that the strength and the success of the Reformation was rooted in the conviction of the sufficiency and authority of scripture. Forgetting this truth weakens the church.
The Authority of Scripture
A School of Sons and Daughters
Have Confidence in the Word
Looking at the battle of the Bible, this article shows that the church has been challenged to confess the inerrancy, sufficiency and authority of scripture. The auther discusses how both fundamentals and modern evangelicals have answered this challenge, calling Christians to have confidence in the word of God.
Recalcitrant Reason Requires a Firm Foundation
This article tackles the objection raised against convenantal apologetics which rejects scripture's self-authenticity. The author examines the claim that scripture requires a form of reason to establish its authenticity, and finds that looking for this outside scripture is to make man the authority.
The Kingdom Theology of the Psalter
Temptation to Authoritarianism A Study of Matthew 23:1-12
Signs That Church Authority is Being Abused A study of John 9:13-35
The "Ifi" Cations of Youth Ministry
A Challenge to Our Parents
What Does it Mean, Fathers Do Not Exasperate Your Children?
Why Should We Believe the Bible?
Parity of Office-Bearers
The Bible Today
Teenagers: God's Gift to Middle-Aged Parents
Respect – Earned or Given?
Evolution's Assault on the Divine
Loving Discipline
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church
What does it mean that the church is an apostolic church? This article looks at the central place of the apostles in the church, the apostles as witnesses and authority in the church.
When the Officebearer Speaks
The Primacy of Preaching
Pagan Spirituality
The Place of Women in the Church
Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 1: The Authority of Revelation
Authority and the Ministry
The Abuse of Authority and the Rejection of Authority
Style and Limits of Authority
Agents of Authority
The Source of Authority
To Whom Belongs the Child?
Can the Bible Be Completely Inspired By God and Yet Still Contain Errors?
This article is about the inspiration and authority of Scripture. G. Beale argues from the book of Revelation and other parts of the Bible that since God's character is unswervingly true, His written Word is also unswervingly true.
Dr Lloyd-Jones and Authority in Preaching
This article is about M. Lloyd-Jones' view on preaching, specifically the authority and power of preaching, the presence of God and preaching, the attention of the hearers, the preacher and powerful preaching, and preaching and prayer.
From the Scriptures to the Sermon 1 - Some Perspectives on Preaching
"I urge you, Timothy, as we live in the sight of God and of Christ Jesus (whose coming in power will judge the living and the dead), to preach the Word of God. Never lose your sense of urgency, in season or out of season.
The Reconstitution of Authority
The purpose of this article on authority is threefold. In the first place it discusses the nature and excellence of authority in general, and the authority that historic Christianity has ascribed to the Creator in particular. Secondly, it points to some of the ways the Western world has turned from God's authority. Finally, it discusses how Christianity might be able to re-establish authority in the world today.
Authority in Education
In this article about the authority in education, the fifth commandment is also discussed. It looks at the authority Jesus Christ had in his teaching, and what that means for our Christian schools.