You and Your Conscience
This article contends that the Christian church is losing its conscience, on account of the impact of the world on the church. The author makes a call for us not to allow the world to dull our sensitivity to the law of God.
This article contends that the Christian church is losing its conscience, on account of the impact of the world on the church. The author makes a call for us not to allow the world to dull our sensitivity to the law of God.
This article raises ten important points about the person and work of 19th century Reformed theologian B.B. Warfield.
This article contains some reflection on divine revelation, especially with respect to the New Testament. Among other issues, it seeks to know whether we can be certain that the New Testament is the Word of God. It explains the role of the three persons of the Trinity in revelation.
The appendix is a confession of faith drawn up by B. B. Warfield as a summary of the Reformed Faith.
B. B. Warfield is widely recognized as one of the leading Reformed theologians of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This chapter considers his historical and church-historical context. His involvement with Princeton Seminary receives attention.