God’s mind is revealed in Scripture, but we can see nothing without the spectacles of the Holy Spirit.
The Word is the chariot of the Spirit, the Spirit is the Guider of the Word.
Word and Spirit
The Spirit Is Present Too!
Word and Spirit: The God of Word II
How is an emphasis on the Word of God to take into account the activity of the Spirit? What is the relationship between the Word and Spirit? To these and other questions the article turns.
Word and Spirit
This article shows that for church ministry to continue having life, there must be a ministry of the word and Spirit. Without the Spirit the word cannot bring life - a balance between the two is needed so that one is not emphasized above the other.
The Spirit and Scripture: More Than Divine Advice
This article warns against the tendency to treat the Bible as a book that simply gives advice and principles for life. This way of reading scripture tends to promote a self-centered interpretation of scripture. The author also discusses the relationship between inspiration and illumination, the relationship between Word and Spirit.