Genesis 19 - The Life of Abraham: He Witnesses God's Judgment
Genesis 19 - The Life of Abraham: He Witnesses God's Judgment
This chapter speaks of the destruction of the cities of the plain. This history is more related to Lot and his family than to Abraham. But this chapter does speak of Abraham and how he was a witness of God's justice over the wicked cities for which he had been pleading the day before. The beauty of Abraham's intercession is that it is a prayer of faith and a prayer of pity. Notwithstanding the human shortcomings in this prayer, the Lord heard it. Although ten righteous were not found in the cities, still the Lord spared His child Lot, as is recorded in this chapter.
The same two angels of whom we have heard in the previous chapter had now come to Sodom. It was toward the evening. Before, they were called men, but now it is revealed that these were angels who accompanied the Lord. Angels are messengers of God, but they can also bring judgments upon earth, as we know from the angel of destruction in Egypt. Here they were to bring judgment upon these cities.
Lot was sitting in the gate when the angels came to Sodom. That was the place of justice. There the judges were sitting, and the people came with their problems to them. The Hebrew interpreters believe that Lot was one of the judges of Sodom. When Peter wrote that Lot vexed his soul so much, then it was because the judges were so corrupt. Others believe that Lot sat in the gate like Abraham did at the door of his tent. In accordance with the hospitality of those days, Lot invited the "two men" to his house when they entered the gate of the city.
Initially they refused to accept this invitation, because they wanted to see the wickedness of the city. Therefore they said that they would sleep in the open air, which is not unusual in the Orient during the summer months. In their refusal they also tested Lot's hospitality. When Lot persisted, they accepted his invitation and went with him to his house. He treated his guests royally.
That evening a large crowd gathered around the house of Lot; the people had heard that foreigners had come to him. They demanded that Lot deliver up the strangers to them that they might commit lewdness with them. Lot, embarrassed by their behaviour, attempted to persuade them to leave. When he failed, he even offered his two daughters to these men instead, but they rejected this also. Lot's vicious offer of his daughters indicates the demoralizing influence of Sodom upon his life also. He was not allowed to do this, whatever the outcome might be.
Then the angels interfered. They pulled Lot back into his house, shut the door, and struck the people with a certain kind of blindness such that they were not able to locate the door. It seems they could see all other things, but they could not find the door.
What the inhabitants of Sodom wanted to do to these men makes it very clear that these cities were totally corrupt. The people did not realize that a righteous judgment would soon come upon them because of their sins. Is this not applicable for us also? Does death not very often come as a thief in the night? Still natural man continues upon the broad way and does not see the sword of God's justice raised above his head, which will unexpectedly strike him. He thinks, "Peace, peace and no danger," but danger is near at hand, as there is only one step between us and death.
The judgment of the Lord was coming over these cities. But why? There was, of course, an inseparable connection between their sins and the destruction which would soon come. Their outstanding sin, for which they became proverbial, was lewdness, a vile abomination. It was the same sin of which the apostle Paul wrote to the Romans, so that sin was also known in Rome. Many believe that this, and nothing else, was the main cause of the downfall of the Roman empire. Paul wrote of it in Romans 1:27, "Men with men working that which is unseemly." This sin is also mentioned elsewhere in Scripture. In Jeremiah 23:14 we read, "They are all of them unto Me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah." It is also spoken of in Jude 7. This is the sin which is set before us in the chapter we are discussing.
Why did this sin lead to the total destruction of these cities, since everybody is a sinner before God, making each person worthy of death? Why this difference? It is true, every sin makes us worthy of death, but he who is guilty of the sin of homosexuality shows by his actions that he has broken the bonds with God and His Word. This unnatural sin lowers man beneath the level of the brute beasts. He has lived out his sinful nature to the extreme.
From this we can learn that not all sin is the same before God. Principally it is the same, because it is enmity against God and a dishonouring of His Name. But when we speak of the manifestation of sin, then there is a bottom limit, deeper than which man cannot sink. It can come so far that all the powers of man's nature have been set to work in the service of sin. The depth of depravity has been reached in these sins.
It is important for us today to realize how the Lord describes these sins in His Word, because more and more churches and people begin to minimize and tolerate this sin, or even allow it and go so far that they permit two people of the same sex to marry. God's Word must be the highest authority in our life. On the basis of God's Word we must condemn this sin in the strongest way possible, and we must not be overcome by all the promotion which this sin receives in our society. There is much pressure applied to make such persons equal to others and to receive special protection. We find that the government often gives heed to them and submits to their demands.
Their desire is that their sinful ideas be spread among the rising generation through the school system. Their views must be published in order to undermine the Word of God. It presents a great danger and is a serious threat for our society: morally, financially, but above all, religiously. I have heard of a minister who seriously warned against this sinful practice. Soon his church services were disrupted, and the doors of the church had to be locked during the service, since the police refused to interfere. Our children are growing up in this climate, where sin is no longer sin. Is it not a sign of the last days, when iniquity shall abound (Matthew 24)? We see it happening today!
The apostle Paul explains in Romans 1:18 that when man has reached the depth of sin, it is an indication of many other sins in his life, in fact, of all other sins, as described in verses 29-31 of that chapter. When man has morally stooped so low, then he stops at nothing and no longer hesitates to serve sin fully. All shame is abandoned. Man then lives out fully all that is in his depraved nature.
It was because of these terrible sins that total destruction came upon these cities. They had made themselves ready for the slaughter. Their cup of iniquity was full. The same happened with Judah and Jerusalem, who rejected the Savior sent to them. So it will likewise be toward the end of the world when man has exhausted himself in iniquity. Then the end will soon come. Only see what is going on in the world and in our societies. Fear should fill our hearts, as it is reality what the poet says in Psalm 2, "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us." A false freedom is practiced everywhere, and it does not pass us by as a denomination.
It is not a pleasant topic to write about, young people, but I feel it has to be done for your welfare; otherwise it will testify against us. Our office-bearers must warn against sin, and especially against the sin which is mentioned here, otherwise they too will be condemned by the Lord. But they must also make it clear that the chief of sinners can be saved as long as he lives. This means that a homosexual or a lesbian can be reconciled with God, because the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins. From one of our ministers I heard that he met a boy in a congregation which he had served before, who was sexually derailed and lived in the sin of Sodom. But the Lord brought him back in true humiliation before Him. As long as we do not commit the sin against the Holy Ghost, we can be converted.
On the other hand, we have to emphasize that this sin is a very dangerous road on which to go, from which many never will return, because their conscience is seared as with an iron. When we die in our sins, then it is lost forever. Therefore this is a serious, but well-meant warning, not to walk on the slippery slope of sin, from which one nearly cannot return. Ask the Lord, "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Although we firmly reject the sin of Sodom, this does not mean that we cruelly isolate such persons. We should try to advise and help them. We may not hate our neighbor in our heart. We should not loathe the person, but his sin. Nobody receives the freedom to misbehave in sexual life. Still, Lord's Day 41 teaches us to be careful and mild, because we are not better in ourselves. This sin lives in all of us. Sometimes people of our circles believe that they are better than the sinners spoken of. We are not better, but we do better when we hate and flee the sin. We should warn our neighbor out of love, that he may begin to seek the Lord and turn away from sin.
Some will argue that it is not possible to condemn homosexuals and yet not discriminate. They believe that when you condemn a certain sin, or an inclination to this sin, then you discriminate against that person. I must refute that this is discrimination. You do judge and condemn their thoughts and deeds, but not the person. Do you discriminate against a kleptomaniac when he is punished for stealing? Or, must you let a pyromaniac go, because otherwise you will discriminate against him? I know that a kleptomaniac and a pyromaniac harm their neighbor; but may homosexuals freely do harm to themselves and to society, undermining the social order by their example, and, above all, dishonouring God by their wicked life style? It is a sin against the seventh commandment and therefore it should be condemned. This is what the apostle Paul does in Romans 1:26, and we must take this to heart.
The last historical fact which we mentioned was that the angels pulled Lot inside and blinded the people outside the house. This was the last serious warning to the people so they would realize what they were doing. If they continued, the Lord would definitely come with His judgments. A last warning! Who knows when this will come to us? If we continue to live in public or secret sins, if we continue on unconverted, then the judgment of the Lord will also come upon us as does a thief in the night. May the Lord awaken us before it is too late. Daily we get such warnings, but we do not hear them.
For Lot and his family it was not too late, since he received the opportunity to be led out of the city before the destruction came. But were all to be saved? Here we see the difference between the external and the internal call. The external call came to his whole family. He tried also to convince his future sons-in-law, but they did not believe, and merely mocked him.
Today there are thousands who, smiling politely, listen to the warning that soon they must appear before the Lord to give account of their deeds. They remain polite but go on. This shows the blindness of man. The judgment is so close, but there is still no room for the Lord and His service. The administration of the Holy Spirit is missing in their lives, and so they will perish with the innumerable multitude.
Lot was a child of God even though he lived far from God in many respects. However, God took care that this "righteous man," as the Lord calls him, would not perish with the wicked. The angels urged Lot to leave, but he delayed, and finally he was forced out of the city with his wife and two daughters. Is it not the same with us? We also receive many warnings to flee for our life's sake, but we delay it as long as possible. The Lord has to bind His Holy Spirit to His Word, for otherwise we will continue just as Lot did. Even after we receive grace, there is so much resistance against the Lord. We do not like to leave everything behind!
Outside the city, Lot was spiritually awakened; he began to feel the seriousness of the situation and the danger they were in. He thought he would not be able to flee in time to the mountains which were shown to him. Destruction would come upon him and his family. He felt that death was near at hand. When we are still walking in our own way, then we think we have plenty of time to be converted. But when it pleases the Lord to begin the good work in us, then the time is too short, and we feel it is too late. Then the question arises, "Can I yet be converted to the Lord?" So it was with Lot; he could not see that they would be able to make it to the mountains. The Lord heard his prayer and gave him permission to flee to the little city called Zoar, which was closer for them.
So we may likewise tell the Lord what our needs are, also our spiritual needs; there is no better address. The Lord is willing to hear when we really need Him, as He has said, "Let Me hear thy voice." And in another place, He says, "Open thy mouth wide," indicating that which they lack, He will plentifully supply.
This the poet has expressed in Psalter 222:
Open wide thy mouth of longing; I will satisfy thy need.
The Lord heard the prayer of Lot, but Lot had to make haste, since the Lord could not do anything until he was in safety. This is a moving word, as it shows God's eternal faithfulness and truth, His eternal love, and His incomprehensible mercy. The Lord could not do anything before Lot had come to Zoar.
So it is also with the judgment over the world. Why does the Lord tarry? We see that wickedness increases so much and it is committed more publicly than ever before. Why does the Lord not yet come with His final judgment? Is it because of the integrity of His children? No, but the Lord cannot overturn the world before He has gathered the last one whose name is written in the book of life. Not one will be missing who is promised to Christ. There are still a number of those who are under the seal of election and must yet be called from death to life.
This does not curtail the freedom of God. It is a willing love wherewith the Lord loves His children; therefore it is written in 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." Not one of God's children, however unknown they may be to man, will perish in the final judgment.
The name Zoar means little or unimportant, but it was of the greatest importance for Lot. This city is an example of the cities of refuge which the Lord later on gave to Israel. The city of refuge for God's children is Jesus Christ; in Him we are safe. As the Lord Jesus was attacked by Satan, so His kingdom is still attacked, but this City of Refuge stands immovable, and His gates are open by day and night to receive poor sinners.
Lot and his family left Sodom and fled toward Zoar, but not all came to Zoar. On the way to Zoar, Lot's wife looked back to see what was happening to the cities. This was against the express command of the Lord. At that same moment she became a pillar of salt. God punished her immediately. This sad event tells us that it is not enough to leave Sodom and be on the way to Zoar, but we must also arrive there. So many seem to have fled out of the City of Destruction, as Bunyan calls it, but they have never arrived at the Celestial City. Outside of Christ we are not safe, but we will perish. An outward change is not enough; we must be renewed after the image of Christ.
Many can speak of a change of way, but we must have a new heart. With many who leave the world for a time, it is as Peter describes, "The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire" (2 Peter 2:22). So the wife of Lot was also led out of Sodom, but her heart was still in Sodom. That was the reason she looked back. She was not loosened from her former life. Sometimes God's people fear that the same will happen to them, and that they will return to the world. God's Word teaches that "the eyes of them that see shall not be dim" (Isaiah 32:3). This means that the Lord will remember His church and will never forsake the work of His hands.
At sunrise Lot arrived in Zoar. This was the moment that the judgment of the Lord began. Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim were overturned and destroyed by fire and brimstone (or sulfur), which rained from heaven. Some have calculated that this terrible judgment took place about the year 2048 after creation.
Young and old perished; also the little children died in the demolition of the cities. The loss of innocent lives (you know what I mean by this: these little children did not commit actual sin) was much to be regretted. But we must recognize that there are times when only radical surgery will save the life of a cancer-stricken body. This whole population, young and old, had been hopelessly infected with the cancer of moral depravity. Had any of them been permitted to live while still in rebellion against God, they might have infected the families of Abraham and Lot, as the people were wholly given over to the depravity of homosexuality and rape.
We cannot describe what it was for man and beast when the judgment of the Lord came upon them. It cannot be described, but all were killed in a short time. What will it be when the Lord comes upon the clouds of heaven to judge the quick and the dead! The people of those cities did not care about the future, so the Lord came unexpectedly.
While we receive a much clearer warning from Sunday to Sunday, what are we doing with it? The apostle has written to the Corinthians, "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men" (2 Corinthians 5:11). May we come to the feet of the Lord, in whom only we can escape the judgment which will otherwise surely come.
Early that same morning, Father Abraham arose and went to the same place where he had stood before the Lord on the previous day. Then he had pleaded for the righteous in the city, but now he saw that the judgment had come. But there is written, "When God destroyed the cities of the plain," then He "remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow" (Genesis 19:29). Was it then for Abraham's sake that Lot was saved? No, the deepest ground of his deliverance was on God's side; He fulfilled His counsel. But we know that the Lord lets His people pray for that which He has decreed to give. When the Lord thought of Abraham, then He thought of His own work, because He had given Abraham this prayer, and He thought of His promise given to Abraham. So the Lord fulfilled His counsel to save Lot, He glorified His attributes, and He remembered His covenant. He also remembered the prayers of Abraham and also those which Lot had undoubtedly often brought before Him. All things work together for good.
- The angels blinded the people of Sodom. Do you know of other miracles like this in the Bible?
- We called Zoar an example of the cities of refuge. Do you know the names of these cities of refuge and where they were situated? Do you also know the spiritual meaning of them?
- You know the reason why the wife of Lot became a pillar of salt. Do you know the real reason why she trespassed God's commandment?
- Can you give a short review of the life of Lot?
- Who are the descendants of Lot? Where did they live afterwards? Can you tell something of the later history of these nations?
- What does the Bible say about hospitality? How far did hospitality go in the Orient?
- What is discrimination? What is God's command in this? (Think of foreigners among the Israelites.)
- Mention different forms of punishment for sin and elaborate on them.
- Do you think that the punishment of sin also can serve as a deterrent and as a means of reformation?
- Look for references in the Bible which speak of these wicked cities, Sodom and Gomorrah.
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