How Do You Know If You Have Saving Faith?
What exactly is saving faith, and how do you know whether you have it? Many people try to work their way into salvation and entry into the kingdom of God through good works. The Bible teaches that saving faith is a gift of God in Christ Jesus. Read this article for a discussion on this point.
Water with good deeds whatever you plant with godly words.
Justification never results from good deeds; justification always results in good deeds.
God does not expect any good in us but what he has wrought in us.
If you are doing good for selfish reasons, you are not doing good; you are just good at being selfish.
Why Your Morality Will Never Be Enough for God
Why is it that your good works and obedience to the law cannot make you righteous before God? The law requires love. Thankfully, the law leads the sinner to Christ, who alone can save, and change hearts to love God.
Work Willingly To Despise Good Deeds is to Abandon the Bible
The Confession of Faith Article 24 Sanctification and Good Works
Become Idolaters by Forgetting the Gospel
When we forget the gospel we commit idolatry. How? We start to live from good works. This article discusses this matter, and the solution to it.
The Reward of Grace
The fact that God will reward good works of believers is not contrary to salvation being by grace. This article points to the biblical truth that God will reward good works of believers. It argues that this reward is by grace and is motivated by the sanctifying work of God in the life of the believer.
Sanctification and Good Works
What makes good works good? This article argues that good works are those that are rooted in sanctification. It shows that a biblical understanding of sanctification leads us back to God and his work. Then it points to the need to preach the doctrine of sanctification in a biblical way.
The Necessity of Good Works for Christians
Are good works necessary for Christians? This article shows the ways in which they are and are not necessary.
What Are Good Works?
Good works are the fruits of salvation done for God’s glory. This article explains this statement.
1 Peter 2:11-12 – Why Good Works Are Crucial for the Christian Life
Using 1 Peter 2:11-12 as framework, this article discusses the necessity of good works in the life of a Christian. The article gives a survey of what the New Testament epistles say about good works.
Filthy Rags or Fully Pleasing?
It is possible to please God! This is a truth that many Protestants would object to, and refer to Isaiah 64:6, for example, as proof that everything we do is filth in God's eyes. This article challenges such an objection by pointing to who God is and what his perspective really is toward good works.
The False Teachers: Pope Francis
To teach that good works are a necessary condition for justification is to be contrary to the gospel. This teaching is false and the article looks at one of the false teachers advancing this teaching: Pope Francis.
Created unto Good Works
This article explains that good works are divinely ordained and necessary in the Christian life.
Justification and Good Works
In looking at the relationships between justification and good works, this article explains that good works are not a means to earn God’s favour. It then clarifies why we must still do good works.
God’s Tapestry
At times it is difficult to see how God is at work. This article explains that one day we will see the tapestry that God is weaving through our suffering and good works.
When Your Goodness Goes Splat
Why is it that our good works are never enough? The answer is God's standard of holiness. The article explains.
Can a Lonely Faith Save?
There Are Only Two Religions in the Whole World
There are those who preach salvation that is based on good works and the free will of man. There is also salvation based on God's grace. This article shows that to preach a salvation dependent on man's free will goes against the grain of Scripture. It gives four reasons why this is so.
Do Good Workers Do “Good Works”? A Biblical Review of the Meaning of “Good Works” in New Testament Marketplace Contexts
After looking at key passages from the New Testament, this article shows that good works should not be limited to works of charity. Good works include works done in the marketplace and home.
Works Religion
Good Works in the Scheme of God’s Grace
Justification and Final Judgment according to Works
How a Believer’s Good Works Are Acceptable to God
The Works of Faith and Assurance
If we are justified by faith, why must we still do good works or works of righteousness? The article attempts to answer this question from the point of view of 2 Peter 2:5-10 and also includes aspects of the believer's attitude in a context of suffering.
Justification by Faith Alone
Pure Religion
In his letter, James emphasizes the importance of treating each other with kindness, sincerity, and faithfulness. True faith is always accompanied by good works.
Consistent Living
According to James, how are believers to fulfil the biblical command to participate in good works?
The Relation of Good Works to Justification
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 24 of the Heidelberg Catechism. The author looks at the relationship between good works and justification. Teaching justification by grace alone should not produce careless Christians, but rather inspire thankful living.
Christ's Grace Makes Us Do Good Works
Justifying Faith and Justification of Faith Article 22: Belgic Confession
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 16:3
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 16:3 is about good works.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 16:1
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 16:1 is about good works.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 16:2
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 16:2 is about good works.
Our Good Works in the Age to Come
Cranmer's Doctrine of Justification
Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and the Beginning of the Reformation
Sola Fide
I Want to Walk Free, but I Still Hear the Chains Rattling
This article is about different forms of legalism and our christian freedom. The author also discusses salvation and our good works, the relation of law and gospel, and the perseverance of the believer.
Reformed Life
This article is about the characteristics of the reformed life. The author also discusses truth, good works, and love.
"The greatest of all Protestant heresies?"
Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542–1621), Pope Clement VIII’s personal theologian and one of the most able figures in the Counter-Reformation movement within sixteenth-century Roman Catholicism, once wrote: “The greatest of all Protestant heresies is _______ .” What do you think he said? This article is about assurance of faith (assurance of salvation).