Judgment and Mercy in a World of Hunger
The Wonder of Christ’s Return
The Confession of Faith Article 37 Of the Last Judgment
The Joy of His Justice
Because of the justice of God, Christians can be assured of the coming judgment. This article explains why this knowledge is of comfort to Christians.
James 5:1-11 - The Day of Reckoning
Hell Is Not Separation from God
The Doctrine of Hell
The doctrine of hell and eternal judgment has become a rare species in the church today. Based on Matthew 25:31-46, this article explains why teaching about hell should be central to the church. It offers five application that the doctrine of hell should produce in the people of God today.
Severity and Mercy Both Come from the Hand of the God of Judgment and Love
What Happens on Judgment Day? Is it the same for Saints and Sinners?
The Call of Jeremiah
Preaching and Judgment
The Prophetic Voice of Amos as a Paradigm for Christians in the Public Square
How should Christians conduct themselves in the public square? This article focuses upon the Old Testament prophet Amos, and his life, mission, and message and its relevance for Christians in the public square. The author first introduces the concept of the public square and then make use of relevant biographical, geographical and historical facts that are helpful to understand Amos’ prophetic voice in the public square.
Jeremiah, Judgment, and Creation
Lalleman argues that the idea of creation can already be found in Jeremiah. Jeremiah 4-Jeremiah 5 has parallels in Genesis 1-2 as well as in Jeremiah 33. She believes that there is insufficient ground to assume that Jeremiah 33 represents a post-Jeremiah development. Jeremiah uses also creation as a framework for his proclamation of judgment and doom.
Luke 17:34 – "On That Night"
This article's thesis is that Luke 17:34-35 is about the sudden coming of the kingdom. Its concentrates on this coming as an occasion when some people are irrevocably separated from others without any apparent warning. The patterns of Lot and Noah and the exodus form the background for understanding this sudden and final separation and judgment.
The Essential: Judgment
The world as we know it will come to an end, and judgment is coming. The article explains what this judgment is about.
Luke 12:57-59 – Debtor's Prison and the Future of Israel
Kinman wants to reconsider the exegesis of Luke 12:57-59. He provides reasons to question the consensus interpretation. His reasons are based on three factors that he considers: the literary setting of the passage in its context, the phenomenon of debt in Hellenistic law, and the language of the passage itself.
God's Glory in Salvation through Judgment – Can the Centre Hold?
Hamilton argues that the centre in Biblical Theology is God, who is both merciful and just. The central theme of Scripture, according to Hamilton, is the glory of God in salvation through judgment. In Chapter 1 he first considers whether there is a centre in Scripture that holds everything in Scripture together.
Revelation and Reason – Resurrection, Proof, and Presuppositionalism: Acts 17:30-31
What is the relationship between revelation and reason in apologetics? What is the role of revelation when biblical veracity itself is under attack? These concerns are major aspects of this chapter. The basic argument of this chapter is that the apostle Paul’s gospel of the resurrection functions as proof of final judgment in Acts 17:31.
Mortality; Judgement; Heaven; Hell
This is an entry in a theological dictionary on judgment and Judgment Day.
Preserving the Godly
An Overview of the Book of Jeremiah
Matthew 7:1-6: "Do Not Judge"
Biblical Patterns of Divine Working and Their Relevance to Today’s Church
Judgment in the Preaching
Cleared and Approved by the Supreme Court!
This article is about the supreme court of the universe - the judgment throne of God. It is important that we recognize that 'justify' and 'justification' are legal terms; they concern each Christian's relationship with God as Judge. Justification includes forgiveness of sins and being made righteous through the work of Christ.
Malachi 4:1-4 – Covenant Faithfulness and Unfaithfulness (18)
The Intermediate State (2)
This is the second of six articles about the intermediate state, death, and what happens when Christians die. Christians have the hope and knowledge that after death they live in their soul with Christ in heaven. The article looks at the resurrection of the soul and judgment after death.
The Incarnate Hope for a World in Turmoil
Revelation 6:12-17 - "Who is Able to Stand?"
The Judgment
Confusion – A Judgement On Society
Exodus 12:42 – Toward the Sunrise
Isaiah 32:15 – New Times!
Luke 17:32 – Don't Look Back
Isaiah 7:10-17 – The Sign of Immanuel: As Deep as Sheol and as High as Heaven
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 33:3
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 33:3 is about judgment.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 33:2
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 33:2 is about heaven, hell and judgment.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 33:1
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 33:1 is about judgment.
Concomitants of the Second Advent: The Final Judgment
Escape for Your Life!
This was a message given after the terrorist attack of 11 September 2001. God uses these terrible things (disasters, suffering) to make us look at our lives and flee to him for salvation. In the judgment there is a call from God to repentance from sin and further punishment.
Do I Not Hate Those Who Hate You, O Lord?
God has a right to call down judgment on his enemies. God hates unrighteousness. In the Psalms, the people of God express this judgment in their songs and prayers. This has nothing to do with personal vindictiveness, but rather foreshadows God's final judgment and is a call to return to God, who judges in righteousness.
The Justifying Judgement of God
Our contemporary preaching of the gospel message would be improved by making better use of the much neglected and misunderstood subject of divine judgment. The breadth of the biblical use of judgment is considered in this article and it is argued that judgment as a metaphor of atonement provides the wider context in which penal substitution should be understood. The metaphor of judgment can also be a means of coordinating disparate biblical images of the atonement.
What Will the Final Judgment Mean for You?
Why do saved believers also have to be present at the last judgment? What does this final judgment mean for believers? This article discusses Revelation 20:12-15 in relation to this.
Final Judgment According to Works
The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism 1
This article looks at the arguments for infant baptism in the Bible. The author discusses circumcision as covenant sign, circumcision and the new covenant, circumcision and the judgment from God, circumcision and Jesus Christ, the baptism of John the Baptist, baptism and the judgment from God, baptism as a water ordeal.