The Life of Abraham: God Repeats and Enlarges His Promises Genesis 17:15-27
Genesis 17:1-14 - The Life of Abraham: The Covenant Between God and Abraham
Covenant of Grace: Chapter 1 – Introducing the Big Idea
The Covenant with Abraham
God's Covenant with Abraham
Did God make one or three or perhaps even more covenants with Abraham? Do Genesis 12, Genesis 15, Genesis 17, and Genesis 22 refer to different covenants? This article argues that the Lord made a single covenant with Abraham and later supplemented that covenant by adding name changes, requirements, and promises.
Genesis 17-18 – God's Covenant with Abram (2)
Mission Work (2): God’s Covenant - The Foundation for Missions
The covenant promise of God has bearing on mission work. Mission work is a means which God employs to continue the line of His covenant. This covenant includes the promise God gave to Abraham in Genesis 17, and continues on throughout the Old and New Testament until today.
Covenant Sign And Seal: The Symbolic Significance Of Circumcision (Part 1)
This article is about the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 17. The author discusses the symbolism of circumcision as the sign of the covenant; namely, it showed that an individual was part of God's people and belonged to God, and was a symbol of the removal of sin. In this article, this understanding of the covenant and the symbolism of circumcision is applied to paedobaptism.
Genesis 17:1-14 - The Covenant (Part 3)
Genesis 17:15-18:15 - As for You...
Mark 10:13-16 - Our Children - God's Children
In this article on Mark 10:13-16 (and Matthew 19:13-15 and Luke 18:15-17), the author focuses on children in the kingdom of God, and the children of believers as part of the covenant with God. Genesis 17:7 is also discussed.