Taught here in This Church!
Profession of Faith and the Church
The Confession of Faith Article 29 Of the Marks of the True Church, and Wherein She Differs from the False Church
Belgic Confession Articles 27-29: The Church (2)
The Offices of Christ and the Marks of the Church
This article makes the observation that the marks of the true church flow out of Christ's threefold office as the head of the church.
Martin Luther and the concept of a "true" church
What constitutes a true church? This article reflects on the thinking of Martin Luther on the church, for he was so intense in the way he wrestled to find a biblical answer to his questions about the church.
The True Church
This article discusses the characteristics of a true church. It should be composed of those born again of the Spirit.
The Marks of the True Church
How can you distinguish a true church from a false one? This article asserts that there are three marks of the true church: the pure preaching of the gospel, proper administration of the sacraments, and biblical exercise of discipline.
The Church and the Gospel
The Marks of the Church
Another Look at the True Church
The Relevance of Article 29 of the Belgic Confession for Today
Basics of the Reformed Faith: Marks and Mission of Christ’s Church
Is there a true church? This article shows that a true church is marked by the pure preaching of of the gospel, the administration of sacraments, and church discipline.
The Marks of the True Church
True and False Church
Easily Recognized and Distinguished
Calvin's Conception of the Church
The Marks of Worship
If a good friend were to ask you if a group of people who gather at a local hall for a sermon on Sunday is a true church, how would you answer? What will be your criteria? What distinguishes true churches from false churches? What are the marks of a church of Christ?