Calvin and Calvinism
Arminianism: Past and Present
Reformed Theology vs. Hyper-Calvinism
Is God the author of sin? Is the gospel for everyone? Is grace for everybody? Is Calvinism a license to sin? This article shows the differences between Reformed theology and hyper-Calvinism on these points.
Real Calvinism
What is real Calvinism? Calvinism is as concerned with the life of faith as it is with doctrinal soundness. This article explains that this conviction is seen in history, Scripture, and Christ, and leads to a distinctive piety, life, and worship.
The Heart of Reformed Theology: A Historical Perspective
Some Practical Implications of Calvinism
This article offers nine practical implications of Calvinism, which show that it is not simply a doctrine to be formally accepted, but concerns every aspect of our lives.
Despicable Me: Total Depravity – TULIP Part 1
This article begins by discussing the term "Calvinism." It offers a brief overview of the commitment of John Calvin to proclaim the glory of God, in the midst of a life of great suffering. Then it discusses the doctrine of total depravity.
The Once and Future Calvin
This article views Calvinism as a theology that faithfully represents the teaching of the Bible. Further, the author foresees the future of this teaching as one that will lead to a global revival of Christianity. The rest of the article explains in detail the reasons why this author is so positive about the future of the teaching of John Calvin.
What Is the Gospel?
The author believes that the future of Christianity is in the theology of Calvinism. He goes on to emphasize the basic tenets of Calvinism such as the sovereignty of God, total depravity, the atonement of Christ, the foreknowledge of God and the so-called universalistic passages.
The Practical Implications of Calvinism
The article explains the practical implications of Calvinistic thought and truth in the life of a believer. In this explanation, the article points out that Calvinism should produce in the believer a deep acquaintance with his own sinfulness, an acquaintance with grace and forgiveness, utter submission before God, honest and Scriptural examination, and the biblical pursuit of practical holiness.
A Comparison of Systems
This is a presentation of the main contrasting positions of three major systems: Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism (Arminianism), and Calvinism.
Amyraldus Redivivus – A Review Article
Amyraldianism (following the teaching of Amyraldus/Amyraut) is often portrayed as a balanced alternative to both Calvinism and Arminianism. This article reviews the publication Christ for the World: Affirming Amyraldianism. This book is an Amyraldian commentary on developments in Reformed theology after the Synod of Dort.
Winsome Calvinism
A Defense of Calvinism as the Gospel
Is Calvinism the Gospel?
TULIP shapes Calvinism's understanding of evangelism. It carefully defines man’s need of God’s grace, and summarizes the great acts performed by the Triune God to save men from their sins. This article shows that the Calvinistic way of presenting the gospel follows in the footsteps of Christ as he presented the gospel.
How Many Points
This article argues that Calvinism cannot be limited to what is known as the five points. There is more to it, and this article unpacks this.
The Five Points of Calvinism
This article explains the five points of Calvinism, which are total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible calling, and perseverance of the saints.
The Fundamental Principle of Calvinism
Is there a principle that can describe what Calvinism stands for? This article argues that the fundamental principle of Calvinism concerns the doctrine of God.
Should there be a relationship between Arminianism and Calvinism? In answering this question the article looks at the definition of Arminianism and the two schools within it—Rationalistic Arminianism and Evangelical Arminianism. It then deals with its causes and cures.
Introductory Essay to John Owen's The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
Both universal redemption and Arminianism paint an unbiblical account of salvation, for they all take away God's glory. This introductory essay to John Owen's The Death of Death in the Death of Christ shows how this is so by looking at what constitutes the teaching of Calvinism about the atonement.
Hearts Aflame: Reformed Piety
The author attempts to show that Calvinism is not divorced from the piety that Scripture exhorts believers to have. The article does this by showing that the doctrines of Reformed theology do not hinder the pursuit of holiness.
Calvinism Gives Fire and Enthusiasm to True Evangelism
Calvinism does not hinder evangelism, but rather gives enthusiasm to evangelism. This article gives six reason why this is case.
The Origins of Calvinism
This article traces the historical origin of Calvinism. The author looks at the context of the degraded state of the church under the Roman Catholic Church, the response of the reformers, and the spread of Calvinism.
Calvinism And Open-Air Preaching
Rejecting the idea that Calvinism impedes evangelism, this article shows that embracing Calvinism strengthens one to do evangelism, in this case focus is given to open air preaching, showing that believing the condition of man, and the great commission will fuel one to preach the gospel, with some suggestions on how to go about doing open air preaching.
The Four-Door Labyrinth - Free will
Many divisions between church denominations can be traced back to differences in four doctrines: sola scriptura, freewill, the relationship between the Old and New covenant, and the sacraments. In this article, focus is given to the doctrine of freewill. This article evaluates the positions of Libertarianism and Universalism through the perspective of Calvinism.
What Is It to Be Reformed?
The Weber Thesis – Religion and Economic Action
In Whose Hand?
Calvin and Calvinism John Calvin: Christian Reformer, Pastor and Theologian
Calvinism: The Theology of the Reformer
Does the Bible Teach Calvinism?
This article is about the five points of Calvinism, total depravity and salvation, and the work of the Trinity in salvation.
What is Calvinism?
This article on Calvinism, also looks at prayer and dependence, and pure religion.
The Doctrines of Grace
This article looks at the five points of Calvinism (TULIP) and salvation through grace alone.
The Practical Implications of Calvinism
B.B. Warfield describes Calvinism as ‘that sight of the majesty of God that pervades all of life and all of experience’. This article looks at the practical implications of Calvinism.