The Confession of Faith Article 36 Of Magistrates
The Christian’s Response to an Encroaching State
The Politics of God and the Politics of Ellul
Jaques Ellul became a national figure whose name and views are widely cited. This article wants to give a summary of the multiple facets of politics as viewed by Ellul. The author touches on his relevant definitions, his views on the state and politics, his treatment of politics in the Bible and the church, and his stance concerning Marxism and anarchism.
The New Testament Doctrine of the State
Does the New Testament have a specific view of the state and government? What is the relationship between the church and state? How should we relate our present situation with that found in biblical times? The author considers the creation of the state and the natural law concept, Christian attitudes toward the state, and the function of the state.
The Charities Bill A Letter Sent by our Political Contacts Committee
A Clash of Individual Liberty
What should the response of the Christian be to the promotion of individual rights by the state? This article shows that no individual has total liberty; each individual's rights are limited by another man’s rights. This clash has great bearing on individual Christians who seek to fulfill their calling in society. It also poses a danger to the Christian and the church in general.
God & Government: A Biblical Perspective on the Role of the State
This article gives a biblical perspective on the role of government. The authority of the government is derived from God, and the state is tasked with promoting justice and righteousness within the limits assigned to it. In this way, the government is the servant of God.
Christian Education: Are Charter Schools The Answer?
This article is on the topic of education. The author discusses the responsibility of parents in raising children in a God-saturated environment.
Towards A Theology Of The State (Part 3)
This article discusses the relationship between state, church and the kingdom of God. The author maintains that there is no neutral government in terms of religion. The knowledge that the kingdom of God will last forever has bearing on how the church thinks about the state in relation to redemptive history.
Towards a Theology of the State (Part 2)
Looking at the historical development of the state, this article shows how the Bible views government. The author also discusses the challenges of the relationships between state, family, and education.
Towards a Theology of the State (Part 1)
Looking at the participation of Christians in electing civil government, this article discusses a biblical way of thinking about the state and the way biblical law must be applied in relation to the civil government. In this article some principles are given which must govern Christian thinking on this topic.
Martin Luther and Civil Disobedience
Caesar's calling
The church must preach the will of God with respect to the obedience owed the state, and the church must make plain the will of God for government. What tasks does God give to government? What calling does the government have towards the citizens? When does government overstep its calling? The author looks at the state as the servant of God.