This article is a bible study on the life of Abraham, focus is on Genesis 22:1-10 when Abraham was tested by God calling him to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Source: The Banner of Truth (NRC), 1996. 6 pages.

The Tempting of Abraham Genesis 22:1-10

In this chapter we come to an event which formed the highlight of Abraham's life of faith. This highlight he reached because God led him first into the darkest depth of trial of his faith. From it we can learn that, although we may not ask for trials, often they have been used by the Lord to teach His children and to lead them further on the way. David, in his life, could later thank the Lord for the trials he had to go through, since it brought him closer to the Lord. Probably there are those among our readers who may say the same in their life.

Our chapter begins, "And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham." This occurred after the fulfillment of God's promise in the birth of Isaac. It seemed that Abraham had reached the summit of prosperity. He had also made a covenant with Abimelech. He was powerful and rich; he had received the child of promise. It seemed as if he had a life of only sunshine. Probably, young people, you think the same of certain people whom you know. They have everything they wish for, and you have so many problems. You should remember that we receive both prosperity and adversity in our lives. Everybody will experience the consequences of sin in his life, just as the Preacher says, "All things come alike to all" (Ecclesiastes 9:2a).

The Tempting of Abraham Genesis 22:1-10God's Word also tells us that summer and winter, cold and heat, will alternate with each other. This is also visible in the life of God's children. Often, after they experience God's goodness in their life and hope to go on from strength to strength, suddenly their circumstances change greatly in their heart or life. Thus, according to God's counsel, it was the time to try Abraham's faith.

Adversity is often a heavy cross to bear, especially when we are not united with God's will. Then we will murmur like the children of Israel did in the desert. But do we realize that richness and power are even greater dangers, because then we sometimes think that we do not need God anymore? Then we can do it ourselves. And when a trial suddenly comes, we are not prepared for it at all.

In verse 1 we read, "God did tempt Abraham." God is Elohim. It did not come from Satan, as we might have expected, but from God. This tempting was not to lead into sin, but to test, or to prove, as we find it in several places in the Bible (Exodus 16:4; Deuteronomy 8:2 and 13:3; 2 Chronicles 32:31; Psalm 26:2). It is true that in other places "to tempt" is used in the different sense of urging or exciting to sin. So the Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan (Luke 4:2). In this history it is not used in this sense, but as it is expressed by James 1:13, "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth He any man."

The Lord would lay on Abraham's shoulders a very difficult task, to see if he were so subject to the Lord that he would be willing to fulfill this nearly impossible requirement. Upon obedience, he would experience the favor of the Lord, although this was still hidden for him. Abraham would be tempted by the Lord. We should keep in mind that this is spoken of the Lord in a human way, for God knows what is in the heart. He knew the outcome before the temptation began, but God's intention was that this tempting would lead to a clear revelation of His work in the heart of His servant. The apostle writes in 1 Peter 1:7, "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ."

If you would ask why such tempting must take place, then the answer is, first of all, that it is God's will that the gold of faith may be purified. The Lord will be glorified before angels and saints. But at the same time, it is so that the accuser of the brethren would be ashamed, as we know from the history of Job. Such temptations like that of Abraham and of the believer generally also have the purpose that the neighbors may see the power of faith and the magnitude of God's work and will be excited to follow after a like faith.

As we have already seen, such tempting of the believer will lead to the welfare of the person himself. But what happens when they fall into sin? When they cannot resist the tempta­tion, then in that way they may learn how dependent they are, and remain, upon the Lord. If He leaves us to ourselves for one moment, then we will fall into sin. Even in the way of humiliation, God will receive the honor and the soul the benefit: "Without Me ye can do nothing."

Satan's temptations are with the devilish desire that they may lead to sin and to the destruction of God's creatures. Manifold are the temptations in our days, but in general we do not see them anymore. We become so acquainted with sin, and so heedless of the danger, that we go along. When you look back in your life, let us say, only ten years, then you must confess that many things which were not allowed in those days may now be done. What does this mean? It means that we are pouring water into the wine of our religion, and that we ourselves decide what is good and what is evil. This is very dangerous, because God does not change, nor does His law. Therefore we should continually ask the Lord to keep us and lead us according to His will, even though many times this will not be so easy!

The tempting of the Lord will sooner or later lead to the welfare of God's child. The Lord had called Abraham by his name, which means father of many nations. How would this be fulfilled? These nations would come forth out of Isaac, according to the promise. The Lord reminded His servant of this name and of what He had promised. In him, in his child, all the generations of the earth would be blessed. Already before Abraham knew the temptation, he was reminded of God's promise and unchangeable faithfulness.

The answer of Abraham was, "Behold, here I am." This is a won­derful answer. When the Lord called Adam, he hid himself in the midst of the garden, but the Lord Jesus gave Himself willingly as the Lamb of God. Because the Lord would go first, it was possible for Abraham to follow, and he was inclined to listen to the Word of God. Soon he would know the contents of God's message to him. "And He said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of."

The Tempting of Abraham Genesis 22:1-10Abraham must have been stunned by these words. There can be sacrifices which the Lord requires from us, whereof we say so easily, "They are too heavy for our shoulders." It is possible that we think a little lightly of this history, which we have heard so many times. But what would it be if one of our dear ones were involved? We love our children with parental love. When we lose a child by death, it can break our heart; we will never forget it. But in that case, our child is taken away by the Lord. In this history, the father had to sacrifice his child himself. He may not think it over, nor hesitate, nor delay, since the Lord said, "Take now." He had to take his own son, not the child of another family, but his own flesh and blood.

God's explanation went even further, "Thine only son Isaac." Abraham was also the father of Ishmael, but Isaac was the son of promise. Abraham had waited twenty-five years for him. Isaac was for his father a sign of God's unchangeable faithfulness. The Lord even added, "Whom thou lovest."

The order and accumulation of the terms were calculated to excite the parental affection of the patriarch to the highest pitch and to render compliance with the divine demand a trial of the utmost severity. The Lord required Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on one of the mountains He would show. Moriah means vision; it was a place where the Lord would reveal Himself. Here the temple of the Lord would be built, wherein the Lord would reveal Himself in His righteousness, His sovereignty, and His grace. So the Lord would reveal Himself also to Abraham.

What would be our answer to the Lord upon such a requirement? I do not dare to write it down, but I am afraid it would be totally different from the attitude of the father of the faithful. What was Abraham's answer? The next morning he rose up early, he saddled his ass, and he took with him two of his young men and Isaac his son. He prepared wood for the sacrifice and traveled to the place to which the Lord had directed him.

It is written so simply – as if it were a daily endeavor. Do not forget that this was possible only by faith. He was submissive to the will of God, although he did not comprehend it all. He arose early! Very likely he did not sleep much that night after the Lord had spoken to him. The thoughts multiplied in his heart so that he could not sleep. Do you sometimes have sleepless nights? Possibly when you are thinking about exams? Or sometimes also thinking about God and His service?

Still, there are examples in which people in the greatest need could sleep. How can this be possible? I think of Psalm 3, where David said, "I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me." This psalm speaks of the time when David fled from his son Absalom, who pursued him with his army. It was evening, but the next morning the battle would explode and would most likely lead to David's defeat. And then? He could sleep, because he trusted in the Lord. He was sup­ported by the Lord in a great measure.

We can speak very easily about this topic, but when we look at ourselves, then we have to say, "Lord, I never could have done what was required of Abraham." And so it would be with every father, also with Abraham, if he did not have the support of the Lord. "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." With His help we can overcome everything.

Young people, so it can also be that the Lord requires sacrifices from you. It can be in the school which we attend. There are certain things from which we must abstain, even though we feel peer pressure. The devil tries to lead us away from the service of God. We often hear from young people how difficult it is to say "no" to all kinds of worldly activities. Keep in mind that it is better to receive the favor of the Lord than the praise of men. We hope that the Lord may use this well-known history of Abraham and Isaac to stimulate you to walk steadfastly, with His help, in the paths of God's law. You will never regret it.

We saw that the demand of the sovereign God for Abraham to sacrifice his son was accepted by him in submission and was responded to with unconditional obedience. God had spoken to him, and Abraham made himself ready to go and to fulfil God's commandment. We write about this matter in a simple way, but it is not with the intention that you will conclude that this was not a very difficult thing for Abraham to do. Although nothing is mentioned between God's commandment and Abraham's action, this does not mean that there was not a great strife in his heart, but the Bible does not speak of it. In general we seldom find a description of the inner soul's life in God's Word, except in the poetical books. Likewise, in this chapter, only the obedience of Abraham is mentioned.

It is very well possible that the terrible thought of the sacrifice of Isaac rent the soul of Abraham. We must remember that with Isaac's death he would not only lose his earthly happiness, but he would also lose the fulfilment of God's promise of salvation for himself and for all mankind, since out of Isaac, in the fullness of time, the promised Mes­siah would be born. The debt has to be paid, either by us or by another. Abraham had learned that he could not satisfy God's justice, and there­fore his hope and expectation was in the Child that would be born from the lineage of Isaac at God's time.

The Tempting of Abraham Genesis 22:1-10"Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off." It is not written how the Lord revealed to Abraham the place to which he had to go. The journey from Beersheba to one of the summits of Moriah took more than twenty hours, which makes it clear that it took at least three days of traveling for Abraham to get there. Mount Moriah cannot be seen by the traveller from Beersheba until he is within a distance of three miles, according to Stanley in his book, Sinai and Palestine. Many times when he spoke about this part of God's Word, the late Rev. M. Heerschap said that the strife of Abraham is pictured in the words, "on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes."

For three days his head was bowed down toward the earth because of the incomprehensible way in which he had to go. So it can be in the life of God's children when they cannot comprehend the deep way in which the Lord leads them. They will experience that God is not a land of outer darkness, and at His time He will make it light again.

Abraham told the young men to remain behind. He, with Isaac, would go upon the mountain to worship and then come back to them. The servants had to stay behind, not only to watch the ass, but chiefly because the contemplated sacrifice was too solemn for any eye but God's to witness.

The father of the faithful calls it "going to worship upon the mountain," and then both would return: "And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you." Several explanations have been given about Abraham's words that both would return, of which I will repeat a few: 1) an act of dissimulation on the part of Abraham (Kalish); 2) an unconscious prophecy (Junius); 3) the expression of a hopeful wish (Lange); 4) a somewhat confused utterance (Calvin and Keil); 5) the voice of God's all-conquering faith (Augustine and Calvin).

The right answer can be found in Hebrews 11:17, "By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac," and in verse 19, "Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure." The answer is that it was by faith. By faith Abraham had gotten hold of the Lord in these trying moments of his life, and he was not put to shame.

Every text in Hebrews 11 is a testimony that by faith we can overcome the greatest tribulations in our lives. When his faith was in exercise, then Abraham could sacrifice Isaac to the Lord because He had commanded it. Heavy was his trial, but by the grace of God his faith did not collapse under the burden of this temptation. This is not written as meritorious of Abraham, to show how strong and courageous he was. No, the secret of his strength was in his faith, which was a gift of God. Therefore all the honor must be given to the Lord. This history shows us very clearly what grace can enable a person to do, though he is, in himself, sinful and weak. Only in this way may we explain the victory of faith in this history.

When Abraham stated that after they had worshipped on the mountain they would both return, then I do not think that he had a clear view of how the Lord would bring this to pass. No, this is not the method the Lord uses. The ways of the Lord are higher than our ways, but when we may trust in the Lord, all things are possible, because He will not put us to shame.

The Tempting of Abraham Genesis 22:1-10It is moving to read that both went up the mountain. Isaac carried the wood, and Abraham the fire and the knife. Here Isaac is a type of the Lord Jesus, who also was sacrificed by His Father, and who carried the wooden cross. Abraham carried the fire, which was most likely holy fire from the altar built for the Lord. Fire is a type of the righteousness which would consume the Mediator of His people, to prevent His church from being destroyed by the fire of God's justice. Abraham also carried the knife, the example of God's holy law, sharper than any two-edged sword, which would strike the heart of the Savior. Christ went into death, but He is risen, and so would Isaac be given again to Abraham as "in a figure."

When father and son climbed the mountain, Isaac asked for the sacrificial animal. "My Father." These words must have been like a knife in Abraham's soul. By these words he was reminded of his love and of the bond a father has with his children. Although he was willing to obey the Lord and sacrifice his son, which seemed to be a non-fatherly deed, still he here called him "my son"; it was his child!

So the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ gave His Child to be sacrificed on the cross of Golgotha, but He remained His beloved Son. This took place that His attributes would be satisfied and a way of salvation opened for His children. This love of the Father in giving His only begot­ten Son is even more incomprehensible than the willingness of Abraham to give Isaac back to the Lord, from whom he had received him about fifteen years before.

As Isaac spoke to Abraham, "my Father," so did the Lord Jesus in Gethsemane, when He had to drink the cup filled with God's wrath, and also when He was crucified. This obedience was necessary so God could become again the Father of His people, who had forsaken Him. Many of God's people have no experience of this for their own heart, but there is the longing to receive those instructions of the great Prophet and Teacher in those mysteries of salvation – how a sinner can return to God again.

Isaac asked where the lamb was for the burnt offering. So there are many of God's children who ask about the Lamb of God, whom they do not know. They know about God's justice, which requires satisfaction the debt must be paid by us or by another – but they do not know Christ. It is necessary that the Mediator makes Himself known to them, "Behold here I am." We have to come to the personal knowledge of Christ, who has given Himself from eternity, but also in the fullness of time.

What was Abraham's answer to such a difficult question? He answered, "My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both together." It was an utterance of heroic faith rather than the language of pious dissimulation. The time would soon come that Isaac would know the truth, but he was not yet able to tell him what would happen. This answer of Abraham is of moving beauty. Without mentioning the inexpressible truth, he nevertheless spoke the truth. That he used the right words at this moment was not his brilliance or his ingenuity, but it was by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Because he walked so closely to the Lord on this difficult road, therefore he could give such an answer to Isaac's difficult question. Abraham might give the leading of his life into the hands of the Lord, who is sovereign to decide what lamb it would be. God would make the choice, and what He required, Abraham would sacrifice to Him.

Abraham spoke a rich truth, that the Lord would provide Himself a lamb, which is confirmed in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlast­ing life." When we ask with the prophet Micah, "Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?" (Micah 6:6), then it is the same answer, "The Lord shall provide."

It is generally thought that as Abraham and Isaac climbed the mountain, he told his son of God's commandment. Isaac was able to carry the wood while climbing the mountain, but then he was also able to resist if he wanted to, but he did not do so! When they arrived at the summit of the mountain, then most likely Isaac assisted his father in these affecting preparations to build the altar and to lay the wood in order. Then Abraham laid his son on the altar and bound him. The feelings of the patriarch throughout all this are simply inconceivable. This is only possible by faith, as was expressed by the poet:

My soul in silence waits for God,
My Savior He has proved;
He only is my Rock and Tower;
I never shall be moved.

This willing submission of Isaac, who gave himself to be bound, makes him a type of the Lord Jesus, who also gave Himself to be bound to make possible what is written in Psalm 116:16, "O Lord, truly I am Thy servant; I am Thy servant, and the son of Thine handmaid: Thou hast loosed my bonds." Often the church is in bonds, but, by the submission of the Lord Jesus, they will be made loose at His time.

The Tempting of Abraham Genesis 22:1-10The moment had come when God's commandment would be done. Abraham took the knife and stretched forth his hand to slay Isaac. He was faithful until death, which is only possible by grace, for otherwise it would be impossible to do it. But now it was enough! At the moment of greatest need, the Lord stopped Abraham. By the hand of God's mercy the heavens were rent, and upon Abraham and Isaac descended a sea of divine light, unto which the shadow of death must yield.

The Angel of the Lord, which is Christ, called him two times, "Abraham, Abraham." He might not do any harm to his son, because the Lord had seen that He had the first place in the life of Abraham, and of Isaac, too.


  1. Describe what the difference is between the temptations of Satan and the tempting of God.
  2. Mention different reasons why God's people are tried by God.
  3. The sacrifice of children was known among the heathen; can you find such terrible examples in the Bible? (2 Kings 16:3; Psalm 106:37; 2 Kings 3:27; 17:31; 21:6; 23:10, etc.)
  4. What did the law of Moses state about the sacrifices of children? (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2, etc.)
  5. What do you know from the Bible about Mount Moriah?
  6. Of whom is Isaac a type? Compare the two different persons and the ways they had to go.

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