A Wise Woman Builds Her Home on Sola Scriptura
A God-glorifying home is built upon the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. This article explains the role of sola scriptura in building a Christian home.
A God-glorifying home is built upon the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. This article explains the role of sola scriptura in building a Christian home.
The Bible was the only book Jesus ever quoted, and then never as a basis for discussion but to decide the point at issue.
There is no situation in which we are placed for which Scripture as the deposit of the manifold wisdom of God is not adequate and sufficient.
This article explains four attributes of Scripture: the indispensability of Scripture, clarity of Scripture, sufficiency of Scripture and authority of Scripture.
This article evaluates the modern gift of prophecy that the charismatic movement claims, in the light of the Word of God. It defines terms, speaks about how to recognize a false prophet, shows how charismatics rationalize fallible prophecy, and provides charismatic objections raised in response. It shows how the charismatic position is at odds with the sufficiency of Scripture.
This article considers the sufficiency of Scripture, and gives thought to the difference this makes for the Christian life.
Liberalism is a matter of authority—the authority of the Bible against the authority of the human mind. It atttacks the doctrine of inerrancy and the sufficiency of scripture. The article explains further.
What is a church? Allison presents a working definition of what the church is.
Does confessing the sufficiency of scripture nullify the need for creeds? Why should a believer be bound by creeds? Is the authority of scripture not enough? This article discusses the danger of independentism (seeking autonomy from creeds and confessions). Creeds have a derived authority, since they are based on the truth of scripture. Creeds are crucial to the expression of the true faith as taught in Scripture and for the unity of God’s true churches.
Does confessing the sufficiency of scripture nullify the need for creeds? Why should a believer be bound by creeds? Is the authority of scripture not enough? This article discusses the danger of independentism (seeking autonomy from creeds and confessions). Creeds have a derived authority, since they are based on the truth of scripture. Creeds are crucial to the expression of the true faith as taught in Scripture and for the unity of God’s true churches.