Making Time for Family Worship in a Crazy, Busy World
Making time for family worship needs to be a priority, in the midst of personal and family busyness. This article offers a few ways to include family worship throughout your day.
Making time for family worship needs to be a priority, in the midst of personal and family busyness. This article offers a few ways to include family worship throughout your day.
What should family worship be? This article considers the link between family worship and Sunday worship services.
This article on family worship encourages parents, especially fathers, to take the long view, striving not for immediate results but for faithfulness in leadership.
One of the blessings of family worship is that it produces meaningful family time. How do you structure family devotions to get such a meaningful time of fellowship together? This article explains four things you can do.
How do you conduct family devotions? This article shares ten tips for family worship.
This article discusses the timing or frequency of family worship, and the manner in which it could be carried out.
This article discusses the heart of family worship, that it helps us be better worshippers of God on the Lord's Day. This is seen in four ways: reading God's Word, practicing family prayer, celebrating the Lord's Supper, and improving upon our baptism.
This article encourages fathers to take seriously their responsibility to establish and maintain family worship. It provides instructions from Scripture, as well as some practical ways to lead the family in worship.
This article provides five reasons why family worship is important. These include the points that God deserves daily worship, you can speak the gospel into the daily lives of your family members, and you can provide a regular time for your children to learn from you.
This article stresses the value of husbands starting family worship where previously it was not there. It gives eight reasons to begin, followed by a consideration of why we struggle to begin, and concludes by urging the reader to resolve to begin, or support the beginning of, family worship.
This article offers seven steps for implementing family worship in your home.
Beeke argues from Joshua 24:14-15 that God requires heads of households to lead their families in family worship. He further considers how this worship should be conducted.
In this chapter Beeke considers some theological foundations of family worship. These foundations, he argues, are rooted in the very being of God.
God is worthy of the daily worship of families. There is no direct, explicit commandment in Scripture about family worship, but the Bible certainly implies that God is to be worshipped in our homes. The author discusses this view with a number of scriptural examples and exhortations.
This article looks at the what, where, when, who, and how of family worship. Use it as a guide to setup your family worship.
This article explores Ephesians 6:4 as a biblical directive for family worship. Fathers are to bring up their children "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord", and one way this is done is through family devotions. Fathers must discipline and instruct their children.
Family worship is what distinguishes a Christian home from other homes. In this article, the author shows that the place of the Bible, prayer and praise at home is crucial. The author also shows that Christian schools are not meant to replace family instruction.
The author of this article highlights the importance of daily family worship.
This article looks at the benefits of family worship. Though doing family devotions has its challenges, it is also a beautiful gift from God.
This article is about the practice of family worship.