Maintaining Authority in our Homes
All authority is ordained by God. This article explains the implications of this for the exercise of authority in the Christian home. It examines the exercising of authority in parenting and the role of children in submitting to authority.
Martin Luther: Training Children in the Home
Martin Luther was concerned about the Christian home. He saw the home as a place where children must be trained in the truth of the gospel. This article shows that training children must be done in understanding that children are depraved and need Christ. This article explains how Luther viewed such family training.
The Blessings of Growing Up in a Christian Home
It is proper to thank God for growing up in a Christian home. Why? Because there are so many blessings of belonging to a Christian home. Let the article explain them.
The Christian Home
Shifting Goal Posts?
Punctual Attendance on Family Worship
Family worship is what distinguishes a Christian home from other homes. In this article, the author shows that the place of the Bible, prayer and praise at home is crucial. The author also shows that Christian schools are not meant to replace family instruction.