The Position of the Youth in the Sermon
Family Visitation: Also for the Young
The Terrific Teens Warning: Tots become Teenagers. It’s Reason to Rejoice
The Importance of Catechism Instruction
This article emphasizes the importance of catechetical instruction of the youth. A catechism is a valuable tool that helps believers become grounded in church doctrine.
Communicating with Parents
This article looks to offer youth a perspective on communicating with parents. It explains that parents have a God-given authority over their children, they also have wisdom, and they are sinners. These are things that teenagers and young people should remember in their communication with their parents.
Teaching the Truth that Brings Salvation
Does the Church Have a Problem with Its Older Youth?
Bible Study: Did We Learn Something...?
Youth Ministry and the Family
The Officebearer and Young People
Freedom Found in the Fishbowl
Man is only free when he lives in obedience to God. Outside of this obedience is death. However, this is not what the devil wants you to believe. In this article the author shows the deception of sin, and how one becomes a slave to sin. The author encourages youth to learn the path of sin and to stay far from it, so that they can live their life in true freedom in Christ.
Peer Pressure
Peer pressure can be viewed in two ways: negative pressure that leads one to disobey God, and positive pressure that leads one to obey God. This article encourages positive peer pressure among Christian young people. Church youth should encourage each other to pursue holiness.
To Go or Not to Go?
God creates opportunities for us which we must be diligent in using. We must be stewards of the gifts and opportunities God has given us, and use them for the benefit of others. The knowledge of this should encourage every Christian young person to participate in youth Bible studies and meetings. In this way we will defeat the enemy.
Strength of Youth
Youth is associated with strength and energy. However, if not used well this strength can be destructive. The author of this article highlights the need for self-control, godliness, and using this strength for the service of God.
Biblical Youth Ministry
This article shows that two things are often missing in youth ministry: biblical teaching and authority, and integration of youth into the church. Consumer culture and the desire to entertain young people have clouded these two important ingredients.
An Investment That Pays - The Importance of Christian Camps and Conferences for Young People
Sending young people to youth camps and conferences is a good investment. In this way youth can be exposed to faithful teaching of scripture and Christian role models.
The "Ifi" Cations of Youth Ministry
Relevant Gospel Contours For Ministry To Students In A Postmodern Context
Postmodernism has had an effect on youth ministry. The author of this article calls for new ways of reaching out to young people and of doing youth ministry. The focus of this article is on the concepts of individuality and community, death of absolute truth and metanarrative, and how the church can counter this in youth ministry.
A Challenge to Our Youth
Putting Youth Back into the Ministry
Daniel 1 – Hell Hopes to Overpower the Church
From Generation to Generation We Will Recount Thy Praise
The Confessions of an (Occasionally) Frustrated Teacher
Young People Know Best
Why Catechism?
Martin Luther Addresses Youth
"Luther knew people because he knew himself." This article is about Luther's pastoral care, specifically to the youth. The author also discusses the fifth commandment and the education of the youth.
Danger Ahead!
Who does the Catechizing?
Catechesis: Cutting Edge Technique
Transformation - Whose Job is It?
Daniel 1 - The Four Teenaged Reformers
Ecclesiastes 11:9 - Make the most of the life He gives
This article on Ecclesiastes 11:9 is about a Christian enjoyment of life, specifically for the youth.