Malachi 2:4-9 – Covenant Faithfulness and Unfaithfulness (8)
This article focuses on Malachi 2:4-9, with relevant application for today’s church.
This article focuses on Malachi 2:4-9, with relevant application for today’s church.
This article focuses on Malachi 2:1-7, with relevant application for today’s church.
This article exposits Malachi 1:11-14, with relevant application for today’s church.
This article focuses on Malachi 3:1-2, which points to the promise of the Messenger. The article discusses further how this promise is fulfilled in the New Testament through the coming of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.
The book of Haggai is structured by the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:3-7.
The book of Haggai is structured by the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:1-3.
The book of Haggai is structured by the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the first prophecy, recorded in Haggai 1:13-15.
This article focuses on Malachi 1:1. It expounds the long-suffering love of God, and draws the connection to the New Testament, with relevant application for today’s church.
This article on looks at the prophecy recorded in Haggai 1:3-6.
This article is a Bible study on the book of Haggai. This article introduces the book by looking at its author, date, history and structure.
Should Christians fast? Fasting has a place in the Christian life and Christians are expected to fast. This article explains the spiritual purpose of fasting, and then it discusses the relationship between fasting and prayer.
The book of Haggai is structured according to the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:14-19.
The book of Haggai is structured according to the four prophecies he delivered. This article looks at the second prophecy, recorded in Haggai 2:6-7.
Preaching characterized most of John Calvin’s work in Geneva. This article looks at his style and view of preaching.
This article shows that infant baptism is rooted in God's sovereign grace.
Should the church sing Psalms which pronounce curses on others? This article shows that singing imprecatory Psalms teaches God's people the true fear of God, reminds them of God's justice, and teaches them to rejoice in God's judgment.
Wisdom is the main theme of the book of Proverbs. Not everyone agrees with the statement that the book of Proverbs presents wisdom as identifying with Christ. Therefore, this article looks at the objection to this based on the fact that wisdom is presented as a woman. The author maintains that understanding the nature of this feminine identification does not nullify the link between wisdom and Christ.
Wisdom is the main theme of the book of Proverbs. This book presents wisdom as identifying with Christ. Wisdom teaches the doctrine of eternal generation and antithesis. Next to this teaching, Proverbs lays out a gospel call.
This article introduces the book of Proverbs with a different style, focusing on the doctrinal nature of this book. The author discusses the poetry of this book, as well as its author, content, and theme.
This article focuses on Malachi 4:5-6, looking at the promise of the messenger and the fulfillment of this prophecy in John the Baptist.
This article looks at the character of the Secession of 1834 and the lessons we can learn from this piece of history.
This article looks at Hendrik de Cock's leadership in the Secession of 1834 and the persecution of the seceders. The author also looks at the history of the years following the Secession.
This article discusses various factors which led up to the Secession of 1834 in the Netherlands. The Dutch Reformed Church became a state church and rejected the Church Order of Dordt and the binding authority of the creeds. The author also looks at the leading individuals involved in the Secession and their persecution.
This article focuses on Malachi 3:16-18, discussing the believers' fear of God and God's faithfulness toward them.
This article focuses on Malachi 3:13-15, discussing the distinction between God's people in Israel and the unrepentant wicked.
This article focuses on Malachi 3:10-12, discussing prosperity, God's providence, and God's blessings.
This article focuses on Malachi 3:3-6, discussing God's work of purifying his people so that their worship is pleasing to him.
This article focuses on Malachi 2:16-17, examining the sin of intermarriage and divorce and why it is wrong.
The origins of the reformation in the Netherlands cannot be traced back to one man, as can be done with the other reformations in Germany or Switzerland. Rather, the Dutch Reformation originated largely as a result of the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism.
This article focuses on Malachi 2:12-15, discussing marriage and divorce in the light of God's covenant with Israel.
This article focuses on Malachi 2:10-11, discussing God's covenant with Israel. The author also examines the sins of intermarriage and divorce, showing how these are contrary to God's covenant and commandment.
This article focuses on Malachi 1:6-11, discussing the sin of the priests in the worship.
This article focuses on Malachi 1:5-9, discussing God's reprobation and God's rebuke of the priests.
This article focuses on Malachi 1:2-5, discussing God's eternal love and his righteous reprobation.
This is the first article in a series on the book of Malachi. What does the book of Malachi mean for the church today? This article introduces the book, giving attention to its authorship, context, time, and themes.
This article links the need for creeds to the biblical call to confess Christ individually and corporately, the work of the Spirit in guiding the church in the truth, and the call to the church to uphold biblical doctrine. Confessions are important for the unity of the church, defense of the faith, resolving disputes, catechetical use, and pastoral care. The author calls the church to intentionally use the creeds.
This article looks at what it means to confess our faith, the work of the Spirit in the church to guide us in all truth, and the usefulness of creeds.