Ministers of Grace in Need of Grace
What is the need of pastors in their pastoral work? The thing that pastor's need most is grace. This article identifies five reasons why grace is the essential need of every pastor.
What is the need of pastors in their pastoral work? The thing that pastor's need most is grace. This article identifies five reasons why grace is the essential need of every pastor.
Why is it hard to admit that we need help? As this article explains, we tend to buy into two great lies, that we are autonomous and self-sufficient. The author explains what makes these lies so wrong, and how to pray for the Lord's help.
When faced with challenges in ministry, pastors have a tendency to allow the kingdom of the self encroach upon them. This article describes this problem as one of shifting treasure, and explains how this happens in terms of our identity, maturity, reputation, essentiality, and confidence.
What is the solution to our struggle to be content? This article explains that the key to contentment is the worship of the one in whom there is full satisfaction to be found.
Can parenting be joyful? Joyful parenting happens when you are aware of these two things: you cannot change your children, and you need grace.
Do you know of disappointment in any of your relationships? How can you make your relationship better? Here are four things you can do to improve your relationship.
Is your relationship in the midst of a mess? This article gives three reasons which will point you to God's mercy in your relationship struggle.
Does God answer prayer? There are five reasons explaining why God would respond to your prayers.
Are you disappointed in your relationship? Why is the disappointment so painful? This article gives four reasons for this.
The struggle of parenting is not always on account of children. This article explains that a struggle for parents is the idol of success, where parents become angry and worried about their own reputation when their children fail to live up to their expectations.
The struggle of parenting is not always on account of children. This article explains that a struggle for parents is the idol of appreciation, where parents want recognition from their children for all they have ever done for them.
This article explains that a struggle for parents is the idol of control, where parents want to prevent their children from gaining in independence.
What are the things that blind us to the fact that we are needy? This article offers two issues, namely, self-justification and following the lies of Satan. These become hindrances to seeking God's forgiveness. But since Christ's sacrifice is complete, we can rest in and celebrate his grace for needy people.
When you have unrealistic expectations in the ministry, you can expect trouble in the ministry. This article explains the issue, ending with a call to being realistic.
What is one cause of losing excitement in ministry work? This article suggests that familiarity with the things of God can cause you to lose your awe and amazement at the grace of God.
Why is parental discipline important? With consideration given to 1 Kings 1:6, this article explains that parents in their exercise of authority are called to reflect the authority of God, and therefore parenting needs to include the disciplining of the child.
What are temptations for the pastor? One would be to find your identity in your ministry.
For pastors it can be easy to confuse their theological knowledge for their maturity. This article explains this issue, and what biblical maturity really looks like.
For pastors it can be easy to confuse success in ministry with God's endorsement of his life. This article explains the difference, and offers questions to help the pastor reflect on how he views himself and his ministry.
Could it be that the struggles you face in daily life are connected to overlooking your final destination? This article identifies seven effects of neglecting to think about eternal life.
How should you think about the anger of God? This article explains that God can be angry and remain holy. The author also shows that God's anger is gracious anger, seen most prominently in the cross of Christ.
How do you work towards personal change? Sanctification is a process, so here are ten steps to help you participate in the change God is working in you.
The spiritual growth of the pastor is linked to his need of the church. With the help of Hebrews 3:12-13 this article explains why the pastor needs the church for his growth.
Hebrews 3:12-13 warns against the danger of the hardening of heart. How does one come to such a state? This article explains the process of heart heardening.
What will make you a successful pastor? The recipe for success in ministry rests in the condition of your heart—your love for and worship of Christ.
When calling a pastor, a church should not confuse knowledge and skills, with spiritual maturity. This article explains, with biblical examples, that crucial to the calling of a pastor is the man's heart.
What are reasons we give for being passive? This article discusses two reasons we give for passivity, namely, the magnitude argument ("The problem is too big") and the separation argument ("It is not my problem"). It is only by embracing the proper theology of God that passivity no longer appeals or makes sense.
How do you deal with grief in ministry? This article draws six lessons from 1 Samuel 15:34-16:1 on how to face grief in ministry.
Forgiveness is essential to bringing unity in the ministry. There are three things forgiveness does to resolve conflicts and bring unity.
When it comes to our anger, the problem is generally not that we are angry, but that our anger is misdirected. This article considers how to fight for a righteous anger.
What does the term "fallen world" actually mean? This article outlines four inescapable realities about this world, ones we will all face somehow.
The article explains four things that are important for us to know in order to attain to a true self-knowledge.
Wouldn't it be much better if we entered marriage at the end of the sanctification process? This article considers this question, the attraction to its concern, and the design of God that marriage reach its beauty through a painful process.
The thought of being independent is a threat to accepting your limitations. There are eight areas that show you are not a superhero. This article explains them and calls you to live in peace knowing that you are not in control but God is.
Where are you looking for the will of God? This article explains that seeking God's guidance from his secret will is going to lead to confusion. Instead, resting on his revealed will is what leads you to his loving guidance.
How does location impact the way you follow Christ? This article explains four ways in which it matters.
Do you have teenagers? While there are challenges in parenting teenagers, this article explains that these years do provide opportunities to access central issues in your child's heart. The author shows how parents can discuss biblical themes in the midst of their child's desire to discover.
Do you have teenagers? While there are challenges in parenting teenagers, this article explains that these years do provide opportunities to access central issues in your child's heart. The author shows how parents can discuss biblical themes in the midst of their child's rebellion.
Do you have teenagers? While there are challenges in parenting teenagers, this article explains that these years do provide opportunities to access central issues in your child's heart. The author shows how parents can discuss biblical themes in the midst of their child's insecurities.
Does your faith shape your daily life, or is your Christian life separated from your daily life? This article points to five signs that reveal whether or not your faith is shaping your daily life.
What is true fellowship? Such fellowship, this article explains, is rooted in a true knowledge of one another. This is what will help shape your life in the way of honesty and humility.
Why is that God decides to keep you in this life? Philippians 2:15 gives the answer: you are called to exercise influence. This article points out three areas of influence.
The love of God is a jealous love. Because of this, God will always discipline his children, in order to show them his love. The article shows this from Judges 6:1-6.
God is always faithful. Because of his faithfulness, he will always bring us back from our unfaithfulness. This is gleaned from Judges 6:7-10.
Self-reliance is the greatest enemy you are facing as a Christian. The Christian life is a life of dependence upon God. From the story of Gideon in Judges 7:1-8, the article explains how this is so.
Why is it that waiting is a struggle for us? This article explainsthree heart issues that make waiting a struggle, and lists some examples from Scripture as to the benefit of waiting.
What are words that explain the grace of God? This article mentions and considers six types of grace: forgiveness, acceptance, presence, enablement, freedom, and completion.
As a Christian, you are an ambassador of God. Therefore, God calls you to minister. Sometimes it happens that you might limit your ministry. This article discusses four ways in which that happens.
God's people are called to take part in restoring shalom. From Revelation 21 this article gives five things needed for taking part in restoring peace in everyday life.
When culture seeks self-glory, then it is destined to go bad. Revelation 18 shows that this was the downfall of Babylon.
How do you know if you are stuck in a relationship? There are ten signs you can use to check your relationship, and six steps you can take to fix your relationship.
How do you achieve contentment and satisfaction in life? From Isaiah 55:1-7 this article gives four principles to consider.
Why should you bother reading the Bible? From Isaiah 55:8-13, this article gives the answer: the Bible has revealing, exposing, and transforming power.
This article considers Philippians 2:14, which says that grumbling and disputing should not be Christian attitudes.
You are a treasure hunter. However, your treasure hunting is exclusive: either you seek the kingdom of God or your kingdom. How do you know? Matthew 6:24 explains.
Your parenting reveals where your heart is. Which treasure does your parenting reveal, earthly treasure or heavenly treasure?
This article identifies four fundamental things that help believers to have an appropriate perspective on death.
How do you set right priorities? Based on Revelation 19:6-8 this article points to five things that are celebrated in heaven and how this should help you to evaluate your priorities.
How do you go about establishing proper value systems? Revelation 19:6-8 points you in the right direction, for it provides heavenly values over against those things not to be celebrated.
This article explains what worship reclamation is. We are worshippers by way of identity, yet our worship needs to be recovered and redirected. The author points out nine dangerous places to find our identity, apart from God.
The doctrine of hell and eternal judgment has become a rare species in the church today. Based on Matthew 25:31-46, this article explains why teaching about hell should be central to the church. It offers five application that the doctrine of hell should produce in the people of God today.
Understanding the lifestyle and habits of the people you are ministering to is important for bringing God's Word to them. Here are nine questions to help you in understanding the people you are ministering to.
Do you parade your righteousness, talk too much, and have a sense of self-importance? Then you know you are a glory seeker. This article explain how these three are signs of glory seekers.
Are you a glory seeker? This article, the second in a two-part series, provides five more signs that we are addicted to our own glory.
What are some common factors that seem to contribute to a distorted view of self? This article lists four factors that distort how you see yourself and lead you to seek self-glory.
How do you break away from the power of sin? This article explains from Romans 7 that sin has three qualities, and there are three reasons to be hopeful over against the power of sin.
Is talk cheap? Talk is never cheap because your tongue can kill or give life. There are four things that should make you take your communication serious.
How do you face every new day in the ministry, even those days where you awaken with discouragement or even dread? This article offers five reasons why you can experience comfort every morning of your ministry.
This article considers Acts 17:22-31 with a view to discussing six elements of biblical faith.
As Christians, you are called to be ambassadors for Christ. What does it mean to be an ambassador? It means your whole life is a life of ministry.
Christian love is a must among believers. From 1 Peter 1:22 this article explains four characteristics of love that must be displayed among believers.
This article explains three behaviours produced by sin that reveal we are like toddlers in many ways: rebellion, foolishness, and paralysis.
Words in Scripture that identify the Christian are "alien," "soldier," and "ambassador." Do these words describe you?
The resurrection of Christ should be central to the Christian life. This article points out six reasons why we celebrate Easter Sunday, and three implications of the resurrection for the believer.
Should Christians desire to be independent? What does it mean to be independent? This article explains that the idea of independence is a delusion because it leads to bondage.
What you need for parenting is not another strategy, but a parenting that is gospel-centred. This article gives fourteen principles for parents to help them parent the gospel way.
You will never be a perfect friend, but you can be a better friend in your relationships. There are five principles which can help you improve your friendships.
Are you in a healthy or unhealthy relationship? How do you know if your relationship is healthy? From Ephesians 4:1-7 there are three trademarks of a healthy relationship.
Are you in an unhealthy or a healthy relationship? How do you know if your relationship is unhealthy? From Ephesians 4:17-32 there are seven trademarks of an unhealthy relationship.
The promises of the gospel are not only for the past and future. Gospel promises are also for today. This article discusses seven such gospel promises.
Is your definition of ministry as comprehensive as the Bible's? This article considers Colossians 3:12-15 and its call to and definition of ministry.
This article explains that words reveal our hearts, and through words we get to know who we serve. This article makes a call for godly communication.
The purpose of stories in the Bible is to point us to Christ, in whom our faith needs to reside. After giving a definition of faith, this article gives from Acts 17 three elements of the faith that acknowledges the existence of God.