Biblical Counseling and the Spiritual Danger of “If Only…” Christianity
One of the hindrances to living the Christian life is basing faithfulness and contentment on ideal circumstances. This approach to the Christian life is utopian spirituality: it denies Christ and accepts the lies of Satan. This article shows four ways in which this happens.
Five Ways to Pursue Contentment
Contentment is something that every Christian must learn. This article provides five avenues for pursuing contentment.
How Is the Love of Money a Root of Evil
From 1 Timothy 6:6-10 this article explains how the love of money reveals our problem with contentment and our search for identity.
The Riches of Godliness with Contentment The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 11
Finding Contentment in the Enjoyment of God The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 9
The Contentment of Longing for Heaven The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 8
The Mathematics of Contentment The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 7
Finding Contentment in Affliction The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 6
The Contentment of the Discontented Christian The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 5
The Dangers of a Murmuring, Discontented Spirit II The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 4
The Dangers of a Murmuring, Discontented Spirit I The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 3
The Necessity of Contentment The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 2
The Nature of Contentment The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 1
Working Your Way Up
What is the solution to our struggle to be content? This article explains that the key to contentment is the worship of the one in whom there is full satisfaction to be found.
Hunger and Thirst
How do you achieve contentment and satisfaction in life? From Isaiah 55:1-7 this article gives four principles to consider.
What Does the Bible Say about Comparison?
How do you fight against comparison? It is only through contentment, cherishing God's Word. and serving others that you can put to death the impulse to compare yourself with others.
Driving Out Discontentment
This article discusses how to cut out discontentment in one's life. Contentment comes by resting in the promises of the gospel.
Being Content with What You Have
This article explains how Scripture often treats contentment along with its opposite, covetousness. Whether we covet or are content, we are revealing our answer to the question, whom do we serve?
Godly Contentment
Contentment is the cure to covetousness. From 1 Timothy 6:6-10 this article discusses Christian contentment in relation to earthly possessions and personal circumstances.
Being Content
This article explains that contentment on its own is not enough. It shows that also godliness is to be present.
We Are to Develop and Model Right Attitudes to Provision and Wealth
This article discusses three attitudes Christians are required to develop towards wealth and provision: trusteeship, gratitude, and contentment.
I Can Do All Things
This article reviews a popular reading of Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength," and finds it wanting. Out of context, the verse reads like a promise for whatever is desired. But in context, it is a verse about contentment.
Are You Content to Carry the Pins?
Envy and contentment are enemies. How can you be content with the work you do and not be envious of others? This article looks at the work of the sons of Kohath, sons of Merari, and sons of Gershon. We can learn from them to be content with what we do.
How We Live in Godly Contentment
Why Am I Not Happy?
This article is about the nature of Christian contentment and therefore about what gives people joy. The author illustrates from Philippians 4:10-13 what contentment is.
Contentment Or Covetousness
Being Content With What You Have
One cannot speak of contentment without also discussing coveting. This article is about the idolatry of covetousness, which seeks to undermine God’s will for your life. Christians must strive to be content.
Christian Contentment
Christians can fight against materialism by learning to be content. Contentment is learned by trusting in God's good provision, being thankful for what God has given, and fighting covetousness.
Philippians 4:12 - The Secret of Contentment
Christian Contentment
Christians should have an attitude of contentment towards their earthly possessions. Faced with a discontent world, the Christian should learn to have confidence in the sufficient provision of God. True contentment means finding joy and satisfaction in what God values.