Revelation 19:1-10 - The Day of Babylon's Fall is the Day of God's Victory
Revelation 19:11-21 - Jesus Returns as Warrior to Begins His Final Clean-Up
Five Important Things
How do you set right priorities? Based on Revelation 19:6-8 this article points to five things that are celebrated in heaven and how this should help you to evaluate your priorities.
Value Clarification
How do you go about establishing proper value systems? Revelation 19:6-8 points you in the right direction, for it provides heavenly values over against those things not to be celebrated.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 2)
The author seeks to prove that the millennium spoken of in Revelation 20 is parallel to the events in Revelation 19. Thus, the author points to the repetitive nature of the book of Revelation, arguing for Amillennialism as scriptural.
Triumph and Delay: The Interpretation of Revelation 19:11-20:10
This article considers the meaning and significance of Revelation 19:11-Revelation 20:10. It argues that the vision therein depicts the victory of Christ over Babylon. It is seen as the climax of the preceding vision, and should not be read as the start of a new section.
Revelation 19:9 - The Beginning of the Marriage of the Lamb
Revelation 19:14-16 - The Wrath of the Armies of Heaven
Looking at Revelation 19:14-16, this article shows that the "armies of heaven" represents Christ's faithful saints, and that Christ identifies Himself with them. The author shows how Christ will conquer the wicked through the word, since Christ's word brings His wrath. This is put in the context of all of Revelation and the way it should be read.