Rooted Leadership: Relationships
This article discusses leadership, showing that relationships greately influence the character of a leader.
Relationships – Gaining Ground
Do you know of disappointment in any of your relationships? How can you make your relationship better? Here are four things you can do to improve your relationship.
Five Biblical Principles for Becoming a Better Friend
You will never be a perfect friend, but you can be a better friend in your relationships. There are five principles which can help you improve your friendships.
Trinity and Relationships
Other-Wise: In the Presence of God
Relationships Must Be Worthy of the Divine Foundation!
Colossians for Women: Restored Relationships
Relationships in the Covenant Family
God created the family as a picture of heaven in all its glory. The family model reflects the relationship between Christ and His church. The family is also a means God uses to build His church. This article discusses what relationships in a covenant family should look like.
The Measure of a Man
Cravings and Conflicts
This article is about conflicts and fighting in relationships. The author looks at the causes of conflict, sinful cravings and desires in quarrels, reconciliation with God and people, and the confession of sin. James 4:1-2 is also discussed.