Grumbling and Disputing
This article considers Philippians 2:14, which says that grumbling and disputing should not be Christian attitudes.
This article considers Philippians 2:14, which says that grumbling and disputing should not be Christian attitudes.
While the Bible calls Christians to contend for the faith, this article shows that disputing in a godly way is not easy, for we must show love and apply the golden rule to those who differ from us. The focus of this article is that in disputation, the goal is winning the other person to Christ, not winning the argument.
While the Bible calls us to contend for the faith, this article shows that disputing in a godly way is not easy, for we must show love and apply the golden rule to those who differ from us. Here focus is given to doing polemics in biblical way by being protective and constructive, taking into account reason, history and tradition.
While the Bible calls Christians to contend for the faith, this article shows that disputing (polemics) in a godly way is not easy, for we must show love and apply the golden rule to those who differ from us. In learning to deal with those who differ from you, it is important to reflect on whether you are being true to the facts and fair, and to be aware of possible double meanings or dangers in the position you take.
While the Bible calls us to contend for the faith, this article shows that disputing (polemics) in a godly way is not easy, for we must show love and apply the golden rule to those who differ from us. Therefore, the author shows that in talking with those who differ from us, we must seek to understand their perspective. In this way, we lay the ground to deal with disputes in a godly manner.