Christian Stewardship
This Is My Father's World The Case for Christian Treehugging
What Is God’s Will Regarding Personal Finance? – Stewardship
The Danger of an Atheistic Ministry
It is only when the gospel ministry is saturated by a sense of stewardship that the minister is freed from being an exploiter. This article shows what a ministry that depends on God looks like.
Cycle of Doom?
Charity And Its Roots
All Our Heart, All Our Soul, All Our Might
The Joy of Generosity: Service Plans for a Three-Week Series on Stewardship
This article offers resources for the preparation of a series of worship services with a focus on stewardship.
Five Principles of Gospel Stewardship for Christmas and Beyond
This article considers what the Bible says about stewardship of the resources God has given us. It explains that everything is God's, unequal distribution of resources is part of God's design, gifts are given for his glory and the good of others, faithfulness is key, and what we do with our resources here will echo for eternity.
Just Managing Christian Leaders are Stewards – with a Higher Model and Standard
Financial Stewardship: God's Resources for God's Glory
This article discusses what financial stewardship is all about, according to Scripture. It ends off with addressing some questions about stewardship.
Stewardship as a Point of Departure
This article reviews the scriptural foundation for both the cultural mandate and stewardship, concepts the author considers merely starting points for political economic reflection. He then raises several additional biblical concepts that need to be used in developing Christian economic policies.
Leadership as Stewardship (Part One)
Convictional Christian leadership is defined by one's faith. And so if one's beliefs about God are not true, everything else will be warped by that false knowledge—and this is a huge problem in our culture when it then comes to leadership. A proper understanding of the sovereignty of God will help one see that Christian leadership is an act of stewardship.
Should the Stewards Object? A Biblical Approach to Gambling
This article evaluates gambling from a biblical perspective. The direction in which the article goes is that the very nature of gambling violates the principles of love and stewardship.
How Basic Economics and Effective Church Leadership Go Together
Is there a relationship between economics and church leadership? If you see economics as stewardship, then there are some lessons to take from economics. An economically wise church leadership requires that out of all the ministry opportunities before you, allocate your limited resources to the most effective ministry opportunities.
The Ethics of Contraception: A Theological Assessment
How should the use of contraceptives as instruments of family planning be viewed from a theological perspective? The arrival of the Pill in 1960 caused a major shift in thinking about this topic. Hollinger considers the theological argument against contraception that has too often been missing in ethical considerations in Protestant circles.
I Wish I Was Rich
What would you do if you were rich? This article argues that the better question is what you are doing with what you have now. Are you exercising stewardship? Generosity isn’t about how much you have, but what you do with the bit you do have.
Nature in the New Creation: New Testament Eschatology and the Environment
Is it fair to say that environmental degradation is the product of Christianity,? What are the ideological roots of the environmental crisis? Moo suggests that the attitude of an “either/or” when it comes to evangelism and environmental concern is a false dilemma.
Ecological "Blind Spots" in the Structure and Content of Recent Evangelical Systematic Theologies
How important should matters of environmental stewardship and ecology be for Christians? Davis argues in this article that deficiencies in the doctrine of creation and the doctrine of the atonement in some recent evangelical systematic theology textbooks have contributed to a lack of Christian stewardship in the area of environmental matters.
Work Matters – Created to Work
The author wants to portray work and employment as a God-given calling. Work is not a punishment, but rather a gift from God to exercise a meaningful contribution in God’s creation. Man is called to work with a stewardship posture.
How We Exercise Stewardship
Here Come the Greens!
Ownership and Property in the Old Testament Economy
Does the Old Testament teach anything on economic matters like ownership and property? Kaiser examines the case some have made for a duality of the material and spiritual world. He then examines themes related to property, theft, land, and Jubilee. The stewardship responsibilities attributed to human beings are noted.
Entrepreneurship within a Biblical Worldview
Entrepreneurs are basically agents of change. This article shows that entrepreneurship is rooted in the model of creation and the call to be creative in using what God has given us. Therefore, entrepreneurship is a form of stewardship. Let the article explain.
Whole-Life Stewardship: The Call to Greatness
Stewardship has to do with every choice you make. This is what the article calls whole-life stewardship.
Pulling the Bull Out of the Pit Reflections on a Career in the Veterinary Profession
The Green Christian?
Money Matters
Christian Stewardship
Money (1): God's Purpose for Wealth
Why do you have money? This article on Matthew 25:14-30 shows that all money belongs to God. God entrusts it to us so that we can exercise faithful stewardship, while knowing that we are accountable to Him for it.
The Christian and Material Possessions
Weighty Matters
Training Our Children to be Best Stewards of Christ
How can parents best train their children to be stewards of Christ? Parents should first confess that all we have is from God. They should also acknowledge that personal sin and the materialism of this world hinder Christian stewardship. Working from this, parents should train their children to be stewards of their money, time, abilities and opportunities.
The Congregation’s Support of Her Diaconate (4): The Implications for Our Daily Life
The church of Jesus Christ must supply her deacons with that which they need to do their work. This call has implications for the daily life of the believer. First of all, the believer must work as a means to generate a living so that support from deacons is not needed. The beliver is also called to share from this income with the poor. Secondly, this call affects one’s stewardship.
1 Corinthians 4:2 - Faithful Stewards
Acts 4:33-35 - The Social Power of the Resurrection Witness
Proverbs 3:1-10 – Priorities, Loyalty, and Faithfulness
Stewards of the Gospel
Exercising Stewardship What Prevents Me from Exercising Enough?
A Christian Perspective on Economics
Biblical Stewardship
Thankful Stewardship of Creation's Resources
Reconstructing a Biblical Model for Giving
In a previous article all relevant references to tithing in Scripture were discussed and it was concluded that the continuation of a tithing requirement can not be adequately supported by the exegesis of individual texts. In the present essay the authors assess the applicability of tithing in light of pertinent systematic issues.