Three Things Pastors (Should) Fear
Pastoral ministry is measured by the faithfulness of the pastor. How do you foster faithfulness in ministry? This article mentions three healthy fears that a pastor should develop.
Biblical Counseling and the Spiritual Danger of “If Only…” Christianity
One of the hindrances to living the Christian life is basing faithfulness and contentment on ideal circumstances. This approach to the Christian life is utopian spirituality: it denies Christ and accepts the lies of Satan. This article shows four ways in which this happens.
The Lesser Known Joseph
Faithfulness and courage in the Christian life should not be based on knowing what God will do in future. This article explains this point from the life of Joseph of Arimathea.
Hesed as Obligation: A Re-Examination
Opinion is divided over the meaning of the Hebrew term "hesed." This article examines the use of ִ"hesed" in the Old Testament, particularly in the setting of human relationships and the relationship between God and his people. It also considers the Hebrew terms with which ִ"hesed" is most closely associated. It concludes that at the heart of ִ"hesed" is loving commitment within the context of a relationship.
The Near Word of Christ and the Distant Vision of N. T. Wright
Seifrid wants to regard Romans 10 as providing an interpretive key to the gospel Paul proclaimed. He further wants to make use of this chapter in Romans to assess the vision of N. T. Wright on justification. He offers exegetical remarks on Romans 10:1-21, which he then uses to make critical remarks about what he understands Wright is teaching about justification.
Semper Fidelis – Always Faithful Our Most Neglected Motto
The Truth about Truth
The author's concern in this article is having a good understanding of truth and the nature of truth. He reminds his readers that a biblical concept of truth is a complex of faithfulness, firmness, reliability, honesty, integrity and consistency. In the process, he gives a defence of a biblical understanding of truth against the attacks of Friedrich Nietzsche.
Never Doubt God’s Power and Willingness to Provide
God's Preservation in Time of Persecution A Look at Third-Century Rome
High Fidelity
This article contrasts Christ's faithfulness as bridegroom of the Church in His promise to preserve and protect the Church till He returns, with the faithfulness of most men today, who easily opt to dissolve their marriage despite their vows.
The Steward
Our Needs and Outlook
Matthew 19 - The Permanence of Marriage
The Congregation's Regard for Her Preacher
Proverbs 3:1-10 – Priorities, Loyalty, and Faithfulness
Redemption Planned
We are a people who place our trust in God’s covenant faithfulness. This covenant faithfulness of God firstly applies to the covenant of redemption before the creation of this world. This article looks at God's plan of salvation and the promises the three persons of the Trinity made to each other.