Don’t Waste Your Life (Part 2): Cultural Mandate
Just a Job?
How Economic Profits Relate to the Creation Mandate
This article discusses the relationship between faith and the areas of economics and human flourishing. It first shows how a biblical perspective affects how we view the dramatic changes in global population and wealth. Then it evaluates corporate profits through a biblical lens. It addresses the question of how the cultural mandate applies to believers in a new economic environment. Finally, it considers three points of application.
Stewardship as a Point of Departure
This article reviews the scriptural foundation for both the cultural mandate and stewardship, concepts the author considers merely starting points for political economic reflection. He then raises several additional biblical concepts that need to be used in developing Christian economic policies.
What's Natural?
This article explores man's relationship to nature, drawing on the cultural mandate.
The Cultural Mandate and the New Testament Gospel Imperative
What is the cultural mandate? What is the significance of this mandate for Christian social and political involvement? This paper focuses on the New Testament teaching on these matters and what the church's main calling is.
Christianity and Social Involvement
Our Cultural Mandate
The Origin, Essence, and Purpose of Man
This article on the creation of man, discusses the origin of man, creation and evolution, man as created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26), the relation of man and animals, and the relation of man and the angels.