The Ethics of Contraception: A Theological Assessment
How should the use of contraceptives as instruments of family planning be viewed from a theological perspective? The arrival of the Pill in 1960 caused a major shift in thinking about this topic. Hollinger considers the theological argument against contraception that has too often been missing in ethical considerations in Protestant circles. His argument supports the church’s historic position that sex is a procreative act. He provides arguments used historically to oppose contraception, referring to Augustine, the encyclical Casti Connubii, and documents like "Gaudium et Spes" and "Humanae Vitae." He argues in defence of an ethical use of contraceptives. His two main arguments hinge on an understanding of human stewardship in relationship to divine providence and the understanding of the meaning and purposes of sex.
Source: Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 2013. 14 pages.
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