Christian living with the mindset of eternity should know the importance of redeeming the time. This article looks at the nature of time, ways of wasting time, and how to make the best use of time.
Christians are described as aliens and strangers in this world. This article shows that this characterization means that Christians are to live with a desire and longing for home. At the same time they are given a foretaste of heaven through the communion of saints. Wisdom is knowing how to live with this longing amidst struggles in this life.
How should Christians think about this earth and the environment? This article highlights reasons for Christians to get involved in protecting God's creation. Christians must exercise stewardship of this world, recognizing that creation is here for God's glory.
Money matters because of what it represents. This article discusses the good and bad aspects of money. The author points to biblical ways of earning and spending, and the need for stewardship.